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The French Library (by Bibliopolis)


The French Library is a publication produced by Bibliopolis available online on Classiques Garnier Numérique server. It contains the corpus of the following texts:

Narrative and Renaissance Literature, Theatre
267 works in full text, 54 authors, 6 centuries combined; a genuine pocket library, with all the possibilities of computer research, the Literature of narration, ideas and theatre provides the educated with the opportunity to read and research a considerable corpus via our digital service.
The greatest works of classical French literature, from la Chanson de Roland to le Diable au corps: 267 works over eight hundred years, fifty thousand pages of text, this vast corpus offers in full text the greatest masterpieces of classical literature.
These texts are representative of an era (from the Middle Ages till today), of literary genres (from tales to plays, and through to the novel), literary movements (from classicism to romanticism). The works talk and respond to each other. No more need for extracts, anthologies or unclear literature synopses. These immense works are collected for the first time in their entirety in the same format, allowing users to read, copy them, and take them anywhere. They reflect the evolution of French literature, in its forms and in its inspiration.

Literary criticism from Laharpe to Proust
Erudite volumes, theatre reviews, prefaces, manifestos… the development of literary criticism is one of the major phenomena of 19th century cultural life. Besides specialists, a great number of writers practised this multi-form genre. This rich heritage, hitherto hidden in libraries, is now re-edited.

Writings on art from Diderot to Proust
This base devoted to writings on Art is a unique product of its kind. It collects 78 000 pages, stretching from 1741 to 1919, assembles 87 authors and contains 250 titles.
Esthetics, philosophy, history of art, texts by painters and writers, but also novels and artistic diaries: the readerwill be struck by the diversity of fields of reflexion and writing touched on by this corpus.

Around Romanticism, the novel
From Chateaubriand to Barbey d’Aurevilly, Around Romanticism brings together the complete novelistic works of the most studied Romantic authors: Hugo, Mérimée, Musset, Madame de Staël, Benjamin Constant as well as the works of authors now out of print — such as those of Frédéric Soulié, Madame Cottin…— but highly celebrated in their own time.
From the black novel to the serial and melodrama, libraries, professors and students thus have access to a heritage of extraordinary wealth, which conjures up the literary atmosphere of a whole century.

Realist and Naturalist novelists
This corpus contains 300 works written between 1820 and 1910. It offers the complete works of novelists such as Balzac, Daudet, Flaubert, the Goncourt, Huysmans, Maupassant, Stendhal, Vallès and Zola. Less well-known authors can also be discovered here, who played an important role in the 19th century literary world.

Revolution and Empire seen by the historians of the 19th century
Inaugurated by the Revolution and then by the Napoleonic Empire, the 19th century is the century of historians. At this period were developed the methods, schools and historical corpora that still form the basis of our studies today.
This base includes the complete works of the greatest historians of the 19th century, that is almost 100,000 pages of text. Among the authors present in this publication: Aulard, Barante, Louis Blanc, Buchez, Jaurès, Lamartine, Michelet, Quinet, Thiers and Tocqueville.

French poetry
This collection brings together the complete works of the greatest French poets, from the Middle Ages to the first World War: more than 750 complete collections of poetry.
A unique opportunity to cross-search these great poetical texts.

Theater of the “Grand Siècle”
This corpus contains the complete works of three major French playwrights: Corneille, Molière et Racine.
The interface allows navigation within the data-base, consultation of acts, scenes or chosen passages and thus the construction of the syntax of new methods of study applied to the masterpieces of classical theater.

Novels of the 17th century
The texts of L’Astrée, of the Grand Cyrus, of Clélie, reedited for the first time in their entirety. In order to replace these works in their cultural context, the base includes the very rare texts of Segrais, Duplaisir, Français Hédelin d’Aubignac, Catherine Bernard, Anne Ferrand and Jean de Préchac.


Claude Blum


A set of texts covering literature, literary criticism, art, history, documented by works of thousands of authors:

Authors :
About, Edmond; Adam, Paul; Ajalbert, Jean; Alexis, Paul; Amiel, Henri-Frédéric; Ampère, Jean-Jacques; André, Yves-Marie; Anonyme; Apollinaire, Guillaume; Arlincourt, Charles d'; Aubignac, François Hédelin d'; Aulard, Alphonse; Aurier, Georges Albert; Bailleul, Jacques-Charles; Balzac, Honoré de; Banville, Théodore de; Barante, Prosper de; Barbara, Charles; Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules-Amédée; Barnave, Antoine; Barrès, Maurice; Barruel, Augustin Abbé; Baude, Henri; Baudelaire, Charles; Beaulieu, Claude-François; Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de; Bénédite, Léonce; Bérard, Cyprien; Bernard, Catherine; Bernard, Charles de; Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri; Berquin, Arnaud; Berthoud, Samuel Henri; Blanc, Charles; Blanc, Louis; Bodel d'Arras, Jean; Boileau, Nicolas; Bonald, Louis de; Bonnetain, Paul; Borel, Pétrus; Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne; Boyer d'Argens, Jean-Baptiste de; Breton, Jules; Brisset, Joseph-Mathurin; Brosses, Charles de; Brunetière, Ferdinand; Brunne, Claire (Caroline Marbouty, dite); Buchez, Philippe; Burke, Edmond; Cabanon, Émile; Cabet, Étienne; Caron, Pierre; Case, Jules; Castagnary, Jules-Antoine; Caylus, Anne Claude Philippe; Cazotte, Jacques; Céard, Henry; Champfleury, Jules-François-Félix Husson, dit; Chasles, Philarète; Chateaubriand, François-René de; Chénier, André; Chrétien de Troyes; Cladel, Léon; Claretie, Jules; Cochin, Augustin; Cochin, Charles-Nicolas; Colardeau; Constant, Benjamin; Corneille, Pierre; Cottin, Sophie; Custine, Astolphe de; Cyrano de Bergerac, Hector Savinien; Darien, Georges; Daudet, Alphonse; Delacroix, Eugène; Delécluze, Étienne-Jean; Desbordes-Valmore, Marceline; Descaves, Lucien; Deschamps, Émile; Deschamps, Eustache; Desnoyers, Fernand; Diderot, Denis; Drouineau, Gustave; Du Bellay, Joachim; Du Camp, Maxime; Du Plaisir; Ducange, Victor; Ducray-Duminil, François Guillaume; Dumas, Alexandre; Duranty, Louis Émile Edmond; Duras, Claire de; Duret, Théodore; Erckmann, Émile; Esquiros, Alphonse; Faguet, Émile; Falconet, Étienne; Fantin Desodoards, Antoine; Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe; Ferrand, Anne Bellinzani; Feuillet, Octave; Féval, Paul; Fèvre, Henry; Feydeau, Ernest; Feydeau, Georges; Flaubert, Gustave; Fromentin, Eugène; Garnier, Robert; Gauguin, Paul; Gautier, Théophile; Genlis, Stéphanie de; Girardin, Delphine Gray de; Gobineau, Joseph Arthur; Goncourt, Edmond de; Gozlan, Léon; Granier de Cassagnac, Adolphe; Guiches, Gustave; Guizot, François; Guttinger, Ulrich; Hamel, Ernest; Hennique, Léon; Heredia, José-Maria de; Hugo, Victor; Huysmans, Joris-Karl; Ingres, Dominique; Jal, Auguste; Janin, Jules; Jarry, Alfred; Jaurès, Jean; Jouy, Victor de; Karr, Alphonse; Krüdener, Barbara de; La Bruyère, Jean de; La Fayette, Marie-Madeleine de; La Font de Saint Yenne; La Fontaine, Jean de; La Rochefoucauld, François de; Labé, Louise; Labiche, Eugène; Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de; Lacretelle, Charles-Jean de; Laforgue, Jules; Laharpe, Jean-François de; Lamartine, Alphonse de; Lamothe-Langon, Étienne de; Lanfrey, Pierre; Laponneraye, Albert; Lassailly, Charles; Latouche, Henri de (Hyacinthe de Latouche dit); Laugier, Marc-Antoine; Lautréamont, Isidore Ducasse, comte de; Lavisse, Ernest; Lemaître, Jules; Lemonnier, Camille; Lesage, Alain-René; Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim; Lorris, Guillaume de; Madelin, Louis; Maistre, Joseph de; Maistre, Xavier de; Mallarmé, Stéphane; Mallet du Pan, Jacques; Malot, Hector; Marguerite de Navarre; Margueritte, Paul; Marie de France; Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de; Marot, Clément; Mathiez, Albert; Maupassant, Guy de; Mellério, André; Mérimée, Prosper; Michelet, Jules; Mignet, François; Mirbeau, Octave; Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, dit; Monnier, Henry; Montaigne, Michel de; Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat de; Montlosier, François-Dominique de Reynaud Comte de; Mortimer-Ternaux, Louis; Murger, Henry; Musset, Alfred de; Nerval, Gérard de; Nisard, Désiré; Nodier, Charles; Norvins, Jacques Marquet de Montbreton Baron de; O'Neddy, Philothée (Théophile Dondey, dit); Pascal, Blaise; Percher, Jules-Hippolyte; Perrault, Charles; Peyrat, Alphonse; Pigault-Lebrun (Charles Pigault de l'Epinoy, dit); Planche, Gustave; Poujoulat, Jean-Joseph; Préchac, Jean de; Proudhon, Pierre Joseph; Proust, Marcel; Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome; Quinet, Edgar; Rabaut Saint-Étienne, Jean-Paul; Rabelais, François; Racine, Jean; Radiguet, Raymond; Renan, Ernest; Renard, Jules; Rétif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme; Retz, Jean-François Paul de Gondi, cardinal de; Révéroni-Saint-Cyr, Jacques-Antoine de; Reybaud, Louis; Rimbaud, Arthur; Rodin, Auguste; Ronsard, Pierre de; Rostand, Edmond; Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; Roux, Marius; Rutebeuf; Sade, Donatien-François de; Sagnac, Philippe; Saint-Amant, Marc-Antoine Girard de; Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin; Sand, George; Sandeau, Jules; Scarron, Paul; Schlegel, August Wilhelm von; Sciout, Ludovic; Scudery, Madeleine de; Segalen, Victor; Segrais, Jean Regnault de; Séligman, Edmond; Sénac de Meilhan, Gabriel; Senancour, Étienne Pivert de; Sérusier, Paul; Sévigné, Marie de; Silvestre, Armand; Silvestre, Théophile; Sismondi, Jean Charles Simonde de; Sorel, Albert; Soulié, Frédéric; Souza, Adélaïde de; Sponde, Jean de; Staël, Germaine de; Stendhal, Henri Beyle, dit; Stern, Daniel (Marie d'Agoult, dite); Sue, Eugène (Marie-Joseph Sue, dit); Taine, Hippolyte; Thierry, Augustin; Thiers, Adolphe; Thoré, Théophile; Tillier, Claude; Tocqueville, Alexis de; Töpffer, Rodolphe; Toulongeon, François Emmanuel; Tourneux, Maurice; Tristan L'Hermite, François; Urfé, Honoré d'; Valade, Léon; Vallès, Jules; Verhaeren, Émile; Verlaine, Paul; Verne, Jules; Viau, Théophile de; Vigny, Alfred de; Villemain, Abel; Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Philippe Auguste de; Villon, François; Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel; Vitet, Louis; Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet, dit; Weill, Alexandre; Winckelmann, Johann Joachim; Zola, Émile


Literature, literary criticism, art, history