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Œuvres complètes. Tome I

  • See also Tome II - Tome III - Tome IV
  • Publication type: Book
  • Author: Crébillon (Claude)
  • General director: Sgard (Jean)
    Scientific editors assistant:: Benharrech (Sarah), Brisebois (Michel), Charles (Shelly), Cornand-Flageollet (Suzanne), Costa (Véronique), Davies (Simon), Ebel-Davenport (Myriam), Fort (Bernadette), Gilot (Michel), Hölzle (Dominique), Jomand-Baudry (Régine), Létoublon (Françoise), Luna (Marie-Françoise), Oudart (Jean), Perrin (Jean-François), Principato (Aurelio), Ramirez (Carmen), Rustin (Jacques), Saada (Anne), Stewart (Philip), Volpilhac-Auger (Catherine)
  • Number of pages: 799
  • Reprint of the edition of: 2010
  • Collection: Classiques Jaunes (The 'Yellow' Collection), n° 618
  • Series: Littératures francophones
Currently available in digital version only