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Corpus of Narrative Literature (Middle Ages to 20th century)

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Novels – Tales – Short stories


Co-produced by Classiques Garnier Numérique and the CNED – French Ministry of Education

The Corpus of narrative literature gives online access to more than 1,000 narrative works (novels, tales, short stories).
From Chrétien de Troyes to Alain-Fournier and Marcel Proust, the Corpus de la littérature narrative brings together the greatest authors and the greatest works of the last eight centuries and offers the possibility to cross-search them in simple and complex ways.
It is both a basic and a specialised library that covers all French study-programs from the High school to University (ordinary and competitive examinations). Moreover, specialists and researchers will find texts with appropriate bibliographical references edited according to the rules of scientific publishing.

The text chosen for the electronic edition is the last version of the original work published during the author’s life and reviewed by him. If this text does not exist, the most reliable version of the text is chosen by a specialist (another edition from his lifetime, a posthumous edition, a manuscript, etc.).

•The diplomatic edition: the published edition is the exact copy of the printed original.
•The modern written form if necessary.
•The translated edition for the medieval period (given with the version in ancient French).


• Middle Ages
I – Texts in old French: Aucassin et Nicolette; Béroul; Chanson de Roland; Chrétien de Troyes; Fabliaux; Marie de France; Roman de Renart; Roman de la Rose
II - Translations: Aucassin et Nicolette; Béroul; Chanson de Roland; Chrétien de Troyes; Marie de France; Roman de Renart; Roman de la Rose
• 16th century
Brantôme; Des Periers; Marguerite de Navarre; Rabelais; Satyre Ménippée
• 17th century
Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez de; Cabinet des Fées; Caylus, A.-Cl. Philippe; Contes de Moncrif; Cyrano de Bergerac; Fénelon; Furetière, Antoine; Galland, Antoine; Guilleragues, Gabriel-Joseph de Lavergne; La Fontaine, Jean de; Mme D’Aulnoy; Mme de La Fayette; Murat; Perrault, Charles; Scarron, Paul; Sorel, Charles; Urfé, Honoré d’
• 18th century
Abbé Prévost; Beaumarchais; Bernardin de Saint-Pierre; Cabinet des Fées; Cazotte, Jacques; Challe, Robert; Choderlos de Laclos; Crébillon (fils); Diderot, Denis; Fontenelle, Bernard (Le Bovier de); Le Sage, Alain-René; Louvet de Couvray, Jean-Baptiste; Mme de Lintot; Marivaux; Montesquieu; Restif de la Bretonne; Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; Voltaire
• 19th-20th centuries
Alain-Fournier; Balzac, Honoré de; Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules; Chateaubriand, François René; Constant, Benjamin; Daudet, Alphonse; Dumas, Alexandre; Erckmann-Chatrian; Flaubert, Gustave; France, Anatole; Fromentin, Eugène; Gautier, Théophile; Goncourt, Edmond et Jules; Hugo, Victor; Huysmans, Joris-Karl; Loti, Pierre; Maupassant, Guy de; Mérimée, Prosper; Musset, Alfred de; Nerval, Gérard de; Proust, Marcel; Renard, Jules; Sand, George; Senancour, Étienne Pivert de; Stendhal; Vallès, Jules; Verne, Jules; Villiers de L’Isle-Adam; Zola, Émile


Literature, French, Francophonie, literary history, philology


Claude Blum (Université de Paris-Sorbonne)


• Middle Ages: Dominique Boutet (University of Paris X-Nanterre); Elisabeth Gaucher (University of Lille III); Elisabeth Lalou (Institut de Recherche sur l’Histoire des Textes)
• Renaissance: Jean-Claude Arnould (University of Rouen); François Roudaut (University of Montpellier III )
• Classical period: Laurence Plazenet (University of Paris-Sorbonne); Philippe Sellier (University of Paris IV)
• 18th century: Antony McKenna (University of Saint-Étienne); Raymond Trousson (University of Bruxelles)
• 19th-20th centuries: Françoise Court-Pérez (University of Rouen); Jean-Michel Gliksohn (University of Paris-Sorbonne)