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Classiques Garnier


  • Type de publication : Chapitre d’ouvrage
  • Ouvrage : Monnaie, crédit et commerce
  • Pages : 607 à 626
  • Collection : Écrits sur l'économie, n° 19
  • Série : 1, n° 11
  • Thème CLIL : 3340 -- SCIENCES ÉCONOMIQUES -- Histoire économique
  • EAN : 9782406138464
  • ISBN : 978-2-406-13846-4
  • ISSN : 2261-0995
  • DOI : 10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-13846-4.p.0607
  • Éditeur : Classiques Garnier
  • Mise en ligne : 21/12/2022
  • Langue : Français


Ouvrages cités par Alfred Marshall
dans Monnaie, crédit et commerce

Alfred Marshall ne propose pas de bibliographie dans son livre. Mais il cite explicitement certains ouvrages (160), quelque fois avec une date de référence. Dautre fois, il sagit de références implicites. Dans ce cas, le choix des titres repose sur le contexte. Cette bibliographie, ici proposée, est donc une bibliographie reconstituée qui permet de rendre explicite les références faites. Quand Alfred Marshall ne fait référence à aucune date, cest toujours lédition originale qui a été choisie.

Alfred Marshall does not provide any bibliography in his book. But he explicitely quote many works (160), sometimes with a reference date, sometimes, with implicit references. In this case, the choice of titles of the works is based on the context. Therefore, this bibliography is a reconstituted bibliography which objective is to render explicit the references. When Alfred Marshall does not refer to any date, the original edition has always been choosen.

Althorp, Right Hon. Viscount, « Evidence J. Horsley Palmer, Esq. Governor of the Bank of England » in Report from the Committee of Secrecy on the Bank of England Charter, with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index, London, James & Luke G. Hansard & Sons, 1832 (p. 18-70).

Anderson, Adam, An Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce : From the Earliest Accounts. Containing an History of the Great Commercial Interest of the British Empire. To which is Prefixed an Introduction, Exhibiting a View of the Ancient and Modern State of Europe ; of the Importance of Our Colonies ; and of the Commerce, Shipping, Manufactures, Fisheries, &c., of Great-Britain and Ireland ; and Their Influence on the Landed Interes. With an Appendix, Containing the Modern Politico-commercial Geography of Several 608Countries of Europe. Carefully Rev., Cor., and Continued to the Present Time, London, J. Walter, 1762. (Édition posthume, London, J. Walker, 1787).

Ashley, William, James, An introduction to English Economic History and Theory : Part I, the Middle Ages, London, Rivingtons, 1888.

Ashley, William, James, An introduction to English Economic History and Theory : Part II, the End of Middle Ages, London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1893.

Auspitz, Rudolf, Lieben, Richard, Untersuchungen über die Theorie des Preises, Leipzig, Von Duncker & Humblot, 1889.

Avenel (D), Georges, Histoire économique de la propriété, des salaires, des denrées et de tous les prix en général, depuis lan 1200 jusquen lan 1800, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, (7 volumes) 1894, 1894, 1898, 1898, 1909, 1912, 1926.

Bacon, Francis (Francis Lord Verulam), « Of Usury » in The Essays, or Councils, Civil and Moral, London, John Haviland, Hanna Barret and Richard Whitaker, 1625.

Bagehot, Walter, Lombard Street : A description of the money market, London, Henry S. King (New York, Scribner, Armstrong & Co.,) 1873.

Bannister, S., William Paterson, the Merchant Statesman, and Founder of the Bank of England : his Life and Trial, Edinburgh, William P. Nimmo, 1868.

Baring, Alexander, « Evidence of Mr. Baring, taken this day » in Report from the Secret Committee on the expediency of the Bank Resuming Cash Payments, London, Charles Clement, 1819 (p. 280-301).

Beawes, Wyndham, Lex Mercatoria Rediviva : or the Merchants Directory. Being a Compleat Guide to all Men in Business, wether as Traders, Remitters, Owners, Freigters, Captains, Insurers, Brokers, Factors, Supercargoes, Agents. Containing An Account of our Trading Companies and Colonies, with their Establishements, and an Abstract of their Charters ; the Duty of Consuls, and the Laws subsisting about Aliens, Naturalization and Denization. To which is added a State of the Present General Traffick of the Whole World ; describing the Manufactures and Products of each particular Nation ; and Tables of the Correspondance and Agreement of the European Coins, Weights, and Measures, with the addition of all othaers that are known : extracted from the work of the best Writers both at homme and abroad, more especially from those justly cele brated ones of Messieurs Savary ; improved and corrected by the Authors own observations, during his long Continuance in Trade : the whole calculated for the use and servic of the Merchant, Lawyer, Senator and Gentleman, London, Baldwin and Crowder and Co., 1761.

Beissel, Stephan, Geldwerth und Arbeitslohn im Mittelalter. Eine culturgeschichtliche Sudie im Anschlußan die Baurechnungen der Kirche des H1. Viktor zu Xanten, Freiburg, Herder, 1884.


Bisschop, Willem R., The rise of the London Money Market, 1640-1826, London, P. S. King and Son, 1910.

Bosanquet, Charles, Practical Observations on the Report of the Bullion-committee, London, J. M. Richardson, 1810.

Bosanquet, James Whatman, Metallic, Paper, and Credit Currency, and the Means of Regulating Their Quantity and Value, London Peham Richardson, 1842.

Bowley, Arthur Lyon, « The Prices of Imports and Exports of the United Kingdom and Germany » in The Economic Journal, Volume 13, Issue 52, décembre 1903 (p. 628-632).

Bowley, Arthur Lyon, Elements of Statistics, London, P. S. King, 1901.

Büchsenschütz, Bernhard, Besitz und Erwerb im griechischen alterthume, Halle, Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waissenhauses, 1869.

Buckle, Henry, Thomas, History of civilization in England, London, J. W. Parker, (2 volumes), 1857-1861.

Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop Burnets History Of His Own Time, London, Company of Booksellers, 1724 (Édition posthume, publié par son fils, second volume publié à Utrecht en 1734 – large édition critique en six volumes par lOxford University Press en 1826).

Cannan, Edwin, The Paper Pound of 1797-1821 : A reprint of the Bullion Report, London, P. S. King & Son Limited, 1919 (Introduction dEdwin Cannan).

Cantillon, Richard, Essai sur la Nature du commerce en général, London, Fletcher Gyles, 1755.

Carey, Henry Charles, Principles of Political Economy, (4 volumes) Philapelphia, Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1837 ; 1838 ; Philapelphia, Lea & Blanchard, London, John Miller, 1840 ; 1840.

Chamberlayne, Edward, Angliæ Notitia or The Present State of England, With divers Reflections upon The Ancient State There of, London, John Martyn, 1669.

Child, Josiah, A New Discours of Trade : wherein are recommandes several weighty points to which is added a Small Treatise Against Usury, (5e édition, posthume), Glasgow, Robert and Andrew Foulis, 1751 (la première édition date de 1693).

Conrad, Johannes, Ludwig Eisler, Wilhem Hector Richard Albrecht Lexis, Edgar Loening, Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, Jena, G. Fisher 1890-1894 (6 volumes).

Copernic, Nicolas, Traité de la monnaie (avec le Traicté de la première invention des monnoies de Nicole Oresme), Paris Guillaumin, et Cie. 1864. (Écrit en 1526, seuls des extraits – 1894 – existe en anglais).

Cunningham, William, The Growth of English Industry of Commerce, Cambridge, The University Press, 1896 (3e édition en trois volumes – 1re en 1882 en un seul volume).


Cunynghame, Henry Hardinge, A Geometrical Political Economy : being an elementary treates on the method of explaining some of the theories of pure economic science by means of diagrams, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1904.

Dana Horton, Samuel, The Silver Pound and Englands Monetary Policy Since the Restoration : together with the History of the Guinea, London, Macmillan, 1887.

DanaHorton, Samuel, The Silver Pound and Englands Monetary Policy since the Restoration together with the History of the Guineaa illustrated by contemporary documents, London, Macmillan, 1887.

Darwin, Charles, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Presesvation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, London, John Murray, 1859.

Decker, Matthew (attribué à, depuis la seconde édition – 1747), Essay On the causes and decline of the Foreign Trade, consequently of the value of the Lands of Britain and the Means to Restore Both. Begun in the year 1739.London, John Brotherton, 1744.

Defoe, Daniel, The Anatomy of Exchange Alley ; or a system of stock jobbing, proving that scandalous trade, as it is now carried on, to be knavish in its private practice and treason in its public… To which is added some characters of the most eminent persons concernd now, and for some years past, in carrying on this pernicious trade. By a Jobber, London E. Smith, 1719.

Deloume, Antonin, Les manieurs dargent à Rome. Les grandes compagnies à Rome. Le Marché. Puissance des publicains et des banquiers. Jusquà lEmpire, Paris, Thorin, 1889.

Eden, Frederick, The State of Poor ; Or, a history of labouring classe in England, from the Conquest to the present Period. In which are particularly considered their domestic economy, with respect to diet, dress, fuel and habitation ; and the various Plans which, from time to time, have been proposed, and adopted, for the relief of the poor : together with parochial reports, London, J. Davis, 1797 (3 volumes).

Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro, Variations in the Value of Money : First Memorandum to the British Association, Third Memorandum (1889). Ces deux memorandums sont réunis par Francis Ysidro Edgeworth sous le titre Measurement of Change in Value of Money. Second Memorandum : Tests of Accurate Measurement. Report of the British Association for the Advencement of Science, 1887-1889.

Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro, « Theory of International Value » in Economic Journal, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1894, Mars, (p. 35-50), September (p. 424-443), December, 1894. (p. 606-638).

Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro, « Recent Writings on Index-Numbers » in Economic Journal, Oxford, Oxford University Press, Mars, 1894 (p. 158-165).

Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro, « The Measurement of Utility by Money » in Economic Journal, Oxford, Oxford University Press, June, 1894 (p. 342-348).

Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro, « Thoughts on monetary Reform » in Economic Journal, Oxford, Oxford University Press, September, 1895 (p. 434-451).


Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro, « A defense of Index-Numbers » in Economic Journal, Oxford University Press, mars 1896. (p. 132-142).

Ehrenberg, Richard, Das Zeilater der Fuffger : Geldkapital und Creditverkehr im 16 Jahrhunder, Jena, 1896.

Fisher, Irving, The Purchasing Power of Money : its determination and Relation to Credit, Interest, and Crises, New York, Macmillan, 1911.

Fisher, Irving, « Stabilizing the Dollar » in The American Economic Review Volume 9 no 1, Supplement, Paers and Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Meeting of The American Economic Association, March 1919 (p. 156-160).

Flux, Alfred William, « Prices (History) » in Palgraves Dictionary of Political Economy, 1894-1896.

Flux, Alfred William, « Mode of Constructing Index Number » in Quaterly Journal of Economics, Oxford, University Press, 1907. (p. 613-631).

Flux, Alfred William, « The Measurement of Price Changes » in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, London, Wiley, janvier 1921. (p. 167-215).

Forster, William, Edward, Elementary Education Act, London, U.K. Parliament, 1870.

Francis, John, History of the Bank of England : Its imes and Traditions, London, Willoughby, 1847 (2 volumes).

Francis, John, Chronicles and characters of the Stock Exchange, London, Willoughby, 1850.

Galton, Francis, The Tailoring Trade, London, Longman and Green, 1896.

Gee, Joshua, The trade and navigation of Great Britain considerd, London, S Powell, 1729.

Gibbon, Edward, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, London, William Straham, Thomas Cadell (6 volumes), 1776-1788.

Giffen, Robert, « Recent Changes in Prices and Incomes Compared » (read before the Royal Statistical Society, 18th December, 1888) in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, volume 51, année 1888, London, Edward Stanford, 1888(p. 713-805).

Giffen, Robert, « The Gresham Law » in The Economic Journal No 1, édité par F. Y. Edgeworth, Mars 1891.

Giffen, Robert, Economic Inquiries and Studies, London, G. Bell and Sons, 1904 (2 volumes).

Gilbart, James William, The History, Principles and Practice of Banking, London, Georges Bell and Sons, 1882 (1re édition, sous le titre The History and Principles of Banking, London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman, 1834).

Godfrey, Michael, A Short Account of the Bank of England, London, John Whitock, 1695.


Gonner, Edward Carter Kearsey, « Municipal Bank Notes in Liverpool » in The Economic Journal Volume 6, Issue 23, 1 September 1896, p. 484-487.

Goschen, George, Joachim, The Theory of the Foreign Exchange, London, Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange, 1861.

Graham, William, « Evidence before the Select Committee on Manufactures, Commerce and Shipping » (28 juin 1833) in Report from the Select Committee on Manufactures, Commerce and Shipping, London, The House of Commons (p. 321-337).

Great Britain, Parliament House of Commons, Select Committe on the High Price of Gold Bullion : Report of the Select Committee on the High Price of Bullion London, reprinted for C. Craddock & W. Joy, and E. Charnley & sons, 1810.

Gresham, Thomas, « Letter to the Queen Elizabeth, 1558 » in Henry Hucks Gibbs A Colloquy on Currency, London, Effingham and Co., Royal exchange, 1894 (annexe pp. v-viii).

Grote, George, Plato and the other Companions of Sokrate, London, John Murray, 1867 (2e édition).

Hales, John, A Discourse of the Common Weal of this Realm of England, Cambridge, University Press, 1893 (écrit en 1549).

Harris, Joseph, An Essay upon Money and Coins : – Part I The Theories of Commerce, Money and Exchange, London, G. Hawkins, 1757 ; – Part II Wherein is shewed, that the established Standard of Money Should Not Be Violated or Altered, Under Any Prtence Whatsoever, London, G. Hawkins, 1758.

Hollander, Jacob Harry, « The Development of the Theory of Money from Adam Smith to David Ricardo » in The Quaterly Journal of Economics, volume 25, No 3, Oxford University Press, mai 1911 (p. 429-470).

Hume, David, Essays and Treatises on several subjects (volume I, 4e édition corrigée et augmentée), London A. Millar (Edinburgh, A. Kincaid and A. Donaldson), 1753.

Hume, David, Essays and Treatises on several subjects (volume III, 2e édition), London A. Millar, 1753.

Jacob, William, in Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords appointed to inquire into the State of Agriculture in England and Wales with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Idex, Témoignage du 22 février 1836. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 30 juin 1837 (p. 11-17).

Jenkinson, Charles (Earl of Liverpool), A Treatise on the Coins of the Realm In a Letter to the King, London, University Press, Cadell and Davies, 1805.

Jevons, Herbert Stanley, The Future of Exchange and the Indian Currency, Oxford, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1922.

Jevons, William Stanley, Investigations in Currency and Finance, London, Macmillan and Co., 1884. (Édité par H. S Foxwell).


Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, A History of Banking by all Leading Nations ; comprising the United States ; Great Britain ; Germany ; Austro-Hungary ; France ; Italy ; Belgium ; Spain ; Switzerland ; Portugal ; Roumania ; Russia ; Holland ; the Scandinavian Nations ; Canada ; China ; Japan compiled by thirteen authors, New York, 1896 (4 volumes). (William Graham, Henry Dunning MacLeod, Antoine E. Horn, John Pomery Townsend, Pierre des Essars, Arthur Raffalovitch, Sir Walker Edmund Byron, Max With, R. van der Borght, Adolph Ludwig Otto Jensen, Juici Soyeda, Thomas R. Jernigan).

Kemmerer, Edwin Walter, Money and Credit Instruments in Their Relation to general Prices (1903, Phd Thesis), New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1907.

Keynes, John Maynard, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, publié à compte dauteur, 1919. Puis London, Macmillan and Co., 1920 (de multiples rééditions).

Keynes, John Maynard, A Revision of the Treaty : Being a Sequel to the Economic Consequences of Peace, London, Harcourt, Brace, 1922.

Kirkaldy, A. W., British Finance during and after the War 1914-21, being the result of investigations and materials collected by a Committee of Section F of the British Association, London, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1921.

Knies, Carl, Der Credit, Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchand lung (2 volumes), 1876, 1879.

Lardner, Dionysius, Railway economy : a Treatise on the new art of Transport, its management, prospects abd relations, commercial, financial, and social. With an exposition of the financial results of the railway in operation in the United Kingdom, on the continent, and in America, London, Taylor, Walton, and Malberly, 1850.

Laspeyre, Étienne, Geschichte der volkswirtschaftlichen der Niederländer und ihrer litteratur zur zeit der Republik, Leipzig, Bei S. Hirzel, 1863.

Law, John, Money and Trade considered : with a proposal for supplying the Nation with Money, Edinburgh, 1705.

Levi, Leone, Commercial Law, its principles an administration, or the mercantile law of Great Britain compared to the codes and laws of commerce of the following countries : (liste de 60 pays), London, William Benning & Co., et Spimkin, Marshall & Co., (Volume I, 1850 ; volume I-part II, 1851 ; volume II-Part I, 1852 ; volume II, 1852).

Lexis, Whilelm, « Gold » in Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, Jena, Verlag von Gustav Fisher, 1910.

Lieben, Richard, « Die mehrfachen Schnittpunkte zwischen des Angebots – und des Nachtfragkurve » in Zeitschrift für Wolkswirtschaft, Socialpolitik und Verwaltung, Wien und Leipzig, Wilhem Braumüller, 1908 (volume 17, p. 607-616).


List, Friedrich, The National System of Political Economy, Traduction de lallemand (édition originale, 1841) par Sampson S. Lloyd, London Longmans, Green and Co., 1885.

Lloyd, Lewis, « Evidence before the Secret Committee of Expediency of the bank Resuming Cash Payments » (9 mars 1819) in Report from the Secret Committee of Expediency of the bank Resuming Cash Payments, London, Charles Clement, 1819 (p. 240-252).

Locke, John, Some Considerations of the lowering of interest and raising the value of money, in a Letter to a Member of Parliament, London, Awnsham and John Churchill, 1692.

Lowe, Joseph, The Present State of England in Regard to Agriculture, Trade and Fiance : with a Comparison of the prospects of England and France, London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1822 (Ouvrage adressé au Directeur de la Banque dAngleterre).

Lowe, Robert, Revised Code of Minutes and Regulations of The Committee of the Privy Council on Education 1862, Parlement Papers, volume XLII, London, George E. Eyre and William Spotishwoode, 1862.

Lowndes, William, A Report Containing an Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins, London, Charles Bill and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceasd, 1695.

Loyd, Samuel Jones Loyd (Lord Overstone), « Evidence before the Committee of Secrecy » (p. 280-301) in Report from the Committee of Secrecy on the Bank of England Charter with the Minutes of Evidence, London, James & Luke G. Hansard & Sons, 1832.

Loyd, Samuel Jones Loyd (Lord Overstone), Reflections suggested by a perusal of Mr. J. Horsley Palmers Pamphlet on the causes and consequences of the pressure on the money market, London, Pelham and Richardson, 1837.

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, The History of England from the accesion of James II, London, Harper & Brothers, 1849.

Macgregor, John, Commercial Statistics. A Digest of the Productive Resources, Commercial Legislation, Customs Tariffs, Navigation, Port, and Quarantine Laws, and Charges, Shipping, Imports and Exports, and the Monies Weights, and Measures of all Nations, London, Whittaker (volume 1, 1847 ; volume 2 à 5, 1850).

Macleod, Henry Dunning, The Theory and Practice of Banking ; with the elementary principles of currency, prices, credit and exchange, (2 volumes), London, Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, 1866 (deuxième édition, la première en 1855-1856).

Macleod, Henry Dunning, The Elements of Banking, London, Longman Green and Co., 1877. (3e édition, la première en 1876).


Macpherson, David, Annals of Commerce, Manufactures, Fisheries, and Navigation with brief Notices of the Arts and Science Connected with Them, London, Nichols, 1805.

Marshall, Alfred, Paley, Mary, The Economic of Industry, London, Macmillan and Co., 1879.

Marshall, Alfred, Pure Theory of Foreign Trade ; Pure Theory of Domestic Value, manuscrit non édité. Henry Sidgwick les a fait imprimer et circuler, 1879.

Marshall, Alfred, « How far do Remediable Causes influence pejudicially (A) the continuity of Employment, (B) the Rates of Wages ? ; Appendice A : Overcrowding of Towns ; Appendice B : The Interdependance of Industry ; Appendice C : A Standard of Purchasing Power ; Appendice D : Theories and Facts about Wages » in Industrial Remuneration Conference. The Report of the Proceedings and Papers read in Princes Hall Picadilly under the Presidency of the Right Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Bart. On the 28th, 29th, and 30th January 1885, London, Paris, New York and Melbourne, 1885. (p. 173-199).

Marshall, Alfred, « On the Graphic Method of Statistics » in Journal of the Statistical Society of London, Jubille volume (Jun. 22 – 24 1885), London Wilet fort the Royal Statistical Society, 1885 (p. 251-260).

Marshall, Alfred, « Remedies for fluctuations in general prices » in Contemporary Review, Mars 1887.

Marshall, Alfred, « Evidence before the Gold and Silver Commission », Appendix to Final Report of the Royal Commission 1888 (p. 1-33).

Marshall, Alfred, Principles of Economics, London, Macmillan, 1re édition, 1890, 2e édition, 1891, 3e édition, 1895, 4e édition, 1898, 5e édition, 1907, 6e édition, 1910, 7e édition, 1916, 8e édition, 1920. Il existe une traduction en français (Volume 1, traduction de F. Sauvaire-Jourdan. Volume 2, traduction de F. Sauvaire-Jourdan et F. Savinien Bouyssy) de la quatrième édition publiée en 2 volumes (Paris, Giard et Brière), 1906, et 1909 sous le titre Principes déconomie politique.

Marshall, Alfred, Evidence before the Indian Currency Committee, [Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee, Part II (p. 167-185), and Appendix Diagrams 64-69], 1899.

Marshall, Alfred, « The Social Possibilities of Economic Chevalry » in Economic Journal, London, Macmillan and Co., mars 1907. (p. 7-29).

Marshall, Alfred, « Memorandum on the Fiscal Policy of International Trade » (p. 29 et suivantes) House of Commons Paper, No. 321 of 1908.

Marshall, Alfred, « National Taxation After the War » in : Earl of Cromer, Viscount Haldane, Bishop of Exeter and others (Edited by W. H. Dawson) : After-War Problems, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1917. (chapitre 18, p. 313-345).


Marshall, Alfred, Industry and Trade, London, Macmillan, 1re édition, 1919, 2e édition, 1919, 3e édition, 1920, 4e édition, 1921, 5e édition, 1923.

Martyn, Henry (publication anonyme, attribuée à), Considerations on the East India Trade ; Wherein all the Objections to that Trade, with Relation : I – To the Exportation of Bullion for Manufactures consumed in England ; – II – To the Loss of Employment for our own Hands ; To the Abatement of Rents ; are fully Answerd. With a comparison of the East-India and Fishing Trade, London, J. Roberts, 1701.

McCulloch, John Ramsay, A Select Collection of Early English Tracts on Commerce, from originals of Mun, Roberts, North, and others, London, Political Economy Club, 1856.

McCulloch, John Ramsay, A treatise on the principles and practical influence of taxation and the funding system, London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1845.

Menger, Carl, « Geld » in Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, volume 4, Jena 1909 (p. 1-116).

Mill, John Stuart, Principles of Political Economy, with some applications to social philosophy, London, John W. Parker, 1848 (2 volumes).

Mun, Thomas, Englands Treasure by Forraign Trade. Or The Ballance of our Forraign Trade is The Rule of Our Tresure. London Thomas Clarke, 1664. (écrit en 1630 ; édition McCulloch, 1856).

Newmarch, William, Tooke, Thomas, A History of Prices and the State of Circulation, London, Longman (puis Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, 6 volumes) 1838.

Newton, Isaac, A Treatise of the System of the World, (Traduction du latin du Livre de Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica) London, F. Fayram, 1728.

Newton, Isaac, « Report made by Isaac Newton, Master of the Mint, concerning the state of the Gold and Silver Coins » (1717) in Henry Hucks Gibbs A Colloquy on Currency, London, Effingham and Co., Royal exchange, 1894 (annexe p. xiv-xviii).

Oresme, Nicole, Traicté de la première invention des monnoies (suivi du Traité de la monnaie de David Copernic), Paris, Guillaumin, 1864. (Écrit en 1373, première traduction anglaise en 1956).

Palgrave, Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Dictionary of Political Economy, 3 volumes. 1re édition, London, Macmillan, 1894, 1896, 1896. Régulièrement réédité jusque 1925 (parfois avec des corrections).

Palgrave, Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bank Rate and the Money Market in England, France, Germany, Holland and Belgium, 1844-1900, London, J. Murray, 1903.


Pantaleoni, Maffeo, Principii di Economia Pura (1889) ; Pure Economics, traduit par T. Boston Bruce, London, Macmillan & Co, 1898.

Petty, William, A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions shewing the Nature and Mesure of Brace Crown-Lands, Assesments, Customs, Poll-Money, Lotteries, Benevolence, Penalties, Monopolies, Offices, Tythes, Rising of Coins, Hartz-Money, Excize &c. : with several interspest Discourses and Digression concerning Brace Warres, the Chrch, Univeristies, Rents and Purchaseses, Usury and Exchange, Banks and Lombards, Registries for Conveyances, Beggars, Insurance, Exportation of Money/Wool, Free-Ports, Coins, Housing, Liberty of Conscience, &c. : the same being frequently applied to the present State and Affair of Ireland, London, N. Brooke, 1662. (2e édition, 1667).

Petty, William, Verbum Sapienti, or an account of the wealth and expences of England, and the method of raising taxes in the most equal manner shewing also, that the Nation can bear the charge of four millions per annum, when the occasions of the Government require it, (1664). London, 1691.

Petty, William, Political Arithmetick, or a discourse concerning the extent and value of lands, people, buidings, husbandry, manufacture, commerce, fishery, artizans, seamen, soldiers ; pulick revenues, interest, taxes, superlucration, registries, banks ; valuation of men, increasing of seamen, of militias, harbours, situation, shipping, power at sea, &c. as the same relates to every country in general, but more particuliary to the territories of His Majesty of Great Britain, and his neighbours of Holland, Zealand and France, (1676). London, Robert Clavel at the Peacock, and Hen, 1690.

Petty, William, Quantulumque concerning Money, 1682.

Pierson, Nikolaas Gerard, « Further consideration on Index-Numbers », in Economic Journal, London, Macmillan and Co., mars 1896. (p. 127-131).

Pigou, Arthur Cecil, The Economic of Welfare, London, Macmillan, 1920.

Poulett Scrope, George Julius, Principles of Political Economy, deduced fron Natural Laws of Social Welfare, and applied to the Present State of Britain, London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, 1833.

Ricardo, David, The High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes, London, J. Murray, 1810.

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Ouvrages cités par John Maynard Keynes
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1 Avec une introduction, p. v à viii dIrving Fisher qui a aussi ajouté une bibliographie approfondie douvrages déconomie mathématique : I – de Ceva à Cournot (1711-1837), p. 173-176 ; II – de Cournot à Jevons (1838-1870), p. 177-181 ; III – de Jevons à Marshall (1871-1889), p. 181-195 ; IV – de Marshall à ce jour (1890-1897), p. 196-209.

2 Alfred Marshall est Président de la section.