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Directives de configuration du serveur Z39.50

Ce document fournit les informations techniques détaillées vous permettant de configurer votre logiciel client Z39.50 afin d'accéder au serveur Z39.50 Classiques Garnier.

Le serveur Z39.50 Classiques Garnier est conforme au standard Z39.50-1995 (Version 3). Un sous-ensemble d'attributs de l'ensemble bib-1 est supporté, et les codes de l'ensemble de diagnostic bib-1 sont utilisés.

Pour en savoir plus sur le protocole Z39.50, veuillez vous reporter au site de référence: Z39.50: international standard maintenance agency.

Table of Contents

Z39.50 Services Supported

The server supports the following services

Internet Addresses, Databases, and Hours of Availability

Classiques Garnier Online Catalog
    Domain name:
    Port: 210
    Database name: classiques-garnier
    Availability: 24 hours/day; 7 days/week

Initialization Service

Protocol Version
    Z39.50-1995 (Version 3)

Options Supported

Preferred Message Size
    The server will negotiate Client down to 32,768 bytes if requested size exceeds
    32,768 bytes, and accept Client proposal if it is less than 32,768 bytes.

Maximum Record Size
    Server will accept Client proposal

ID Authentication
    User-id and password are not required by the Server

Search Service

Result Set Name
    Only "default" is supported (case insensitive)

Database Names (case insensitive)
    Use "classiques-garnier"

    Type-1 only is supported

Attribute Set ID
    Bib-1 only is supported

    The Result Set ID (i.e., "default") cannot be used in the Operand.
    Qualifying searches are not supported

Operators Supported:

Present Service

Record Syntaxes Supported

Element Set Names Supported
    dc   -- Dublin Core (XML records)
    mods -- MODS (XML records)
    marc -- MARCXML (XML records), default schema for XML

Use Attributes Supported

      Value   Description
      -----   -------------------------
        4     Title
        5     Title series
        7     ISBN
        8     ISSN
       21     Subject heading
       31     Date of publication
       59     Place of publication
       62     Abstract
     1003     Author
     1018     Name of publisher

Relation Attributes Supported

      Value   Description
      -----   ---------------
        3     Equal

      Values other than "3" are accepted, but not regarded.

Position Attributes Supported

      Value   Description
      -----   ---------------
        1     First in field
        3     Any

Structure Attributes Supported

      Value   Description
      -----   ---------------
        1     Phrase

      Values other than "1" are accepted, but not regarded.

Truncation Attributes Supported

      Value   Description
      -----   ---------------
        1     Right truncation
      100     Do not truncate

Completeness Attributes Supported

      Value  Description
      -----  --------------------
        1    Incomplete subfield

      Values other than "1" are accepted, but not regarded.

Required and Default Attributes

Requirements and Defaults: The Use attribute is REQUIRED.

For the other attributes, if an attribute type and value are
not supplied by the client, the following defaults are applied:
    RELATION     -- Equal (value=3)
    POSITION     -- Any (value=3)
    STRUCTURE    -- Phrase (value=1)
    TRUNCATION   -- Do not truncate (value=100)
    COMPLETENESS -- Incomplete subfield (value=1)