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Classiques Garnier

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  • Publication type: Book chapter
  • Book: Writing the Future. Prognostic Texts of Medieval England
  • Pages: 333 to 334
  • Collection: Literary Texts of the Middle Ages, n° 24
  • Series: Divinatoria, n° 2
  • CLIL theme: 3438 -- LITTÉRATURE GÉNÉRALE -- Oeuvres classiques -- Moyen Age
  • EAN: 9782812410901
  • ISBN: 978-2-8124-1090-1
  • ISSN: 2261-0804
  • DOI: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-1090-1.p.0333
  • Publisher: Classiques Garnier
  • Online publication: 10-03-2013
  • Language: French

Select Glossary

MSS Oxf., Bodl. Libr. Digby 104
and Cambr., Trinity Coll. 0.2.5

Ablacioun s. theft

Adquisission s. acquisition

Anelus rings

Art liberal s. liberal art

Astronomie s. astronomy ; file d’~ daughter of astronomy

Autre a. next, following

Chatmete s. catamite ?

Chiertee, chiereté s. shortage, dearth

Coilonus testicles

Enhauncement s s. exaltation, promotion, enhancement

Entreant pr.p. (of a figure) pointing down (entering a sign)

Esegi p.p. as a. besieged

Estaile s. star ; meistres estailes major stars

Feche s. time, occasion

Feille s. daughter

Fin (et les tesmoignes) s. there are 8 instances of the collocation apparently indicating the figures iudex (‘judge’) and testes (‘witnesses’), i.e. figures 15, 13-14.

Flurus, flurez menses

Gayne s. gain, wealth

Geomencie, geomauncie s. geomancy

Gravel s. sand ; science de ~ geomancy

Intersection s. intersection

Issaunt pr.p. (of a figure) pointing up (exiting a sign)

Marice s. womb

Marrance s. ?

Mene a. medium, average ; ~ estature average build

Mier s. sea

Mocion s. movement

Peunteour s. ?

Purchace s. gain, acquired wealth

Quadrangle s. square

Remuance s. moving (from one place to another)

Sabeloun s. sand, gravel

Savement adv. safely, with confidence

Substaunsce s. assets

Tercine s. tertian fever


London, MS Brit. Libr. Add.18210

Adquisicion s. asquisition, gain

Alacrité s. liveliness, joy

Alant pr.p. walking

Aoitement s. increase

Averer v.i. to be fulfilled, come true

Avotire s. adulterer

Chertaraux error for ‘cheminanz’ (see p. 319, note 1) ?

Choruscacion s. flash of light, lightning

Coadunacion s. gathering, assembly, concurrence

Collection s. collection, assembly

Communt a. common

Comparation s. acquisition, purchase

Corperacion s. assembly ?

Compliement s. accomplishment, achievement

Conjunction s. (sexual) union

Consecucion s. result, consequence

Descoloré p.p. as a. pale, pallid

Divinaille s. prophecy, divination

Effundrer v.i. to founder, sink

Encontrement s. encounter

Enginement s. fraud, deceit

Esaulle s. destitution, ruin, exile ?

Eschar s. insult, mockery, scorn

Eschartré p.p. as a. freed from prison

Estrangement de sen s. mental derangement

Inperfection s. imperfection

Meen, maen a. moderate, medium

Mutes a.f. many

Occision s. murder

Omaciun s. homage

Ouesi adv. equally, just as

Pensacion s. troubled thought

Percusion s. blow

Perturbacion s. disturbance

Petiuesce s. error for petitesce (see note 62) ?

Pointer v. possess points

Porchaz s. gain, profit

Porloignance s. deferral

Porloigner v.a. to prolong

Procurator s. agent

Prospre a. prosperous

Quince a.num. fifteen

Recuperer v.a. to recover

Restauracion s. restitution

Submersion s. immersion

Trenchement de chemins s. digging of roads ?

Uxoration s. marriage

Wasion s. invasion, encroachment