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Classiques Garnier

Une formation au travail pour tous ? La loi Astier, un projet pour le xxe siècle

  • Publication type: Collective work
  • Editors: Bodé (Gérard), Lembré (Stéphane), Thivend (Marianne)
  • Abstract: The Astier law of July 25, 1919 defined technical education and imposed a training obligation on young girls and boys under the age of 18 employed in commerce and industry. Its elaboration and its effects are part of the worlds of training and work in the 20th century.
  • Number of pages: 416
  • Parution: 06-08-2022
  • Collection: History of Technology, n° 25
  • CLIL theme: 3378 -- HISTOIRE -- Histoire générale et thématique
  • EAN: 9782406130369
  • ISBN: 978-2-406-13036-9
  • ISSN: 2118-8181
  • DOI: 10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-13038-3
  • Publisher: Classiques Garnier
  • Online publication: 06-08-2022
  • Language: French
  • Keyword: Apprenticeship, technical education, vocational training, history, twentieth century, youth, history of work, history of education