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Classiques Garnier

Table des figures


Table des figures

Fig. 1 – Willey Reveley (1760-1799), plan du pénitencier panoptique, UX cxix. 120v (c. 1791), The Bentham Papers, UCL Library Services, Special Collections   11

Fig. 2 – Willey Reveley (1760-1799), coupe du pénitencier panoptique, UC cxix. 122v (c. 1791), The Bentham Papers, UCL Library Services, Special Collections   11

Fig. 3 – James Gillray, « A Peep into the Cave of Jacobinism » (1798), British Museum, British Museum satires / Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the Department of Prints and Drawing in the British Museum, Registration number : 1851,0901.931. Photo © The British Museum, Londres, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / The Trustees of the British Museum 394

Fig. 4 – A.W.N. Pugin, « Contrasted Residences for the Poor », Contrasts, and the true principles of pointed or Christian architecture [1841], introduction de Timothy Brittain-Catlin, Reading, Spire Books, 2003 479