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Classiques Garnier





Jean-Daniel Boyer

Two reinterpretations of Cantillons patterns
of circulation of wealth. Looking back at Mirabeau
and Quesnays conversion    15


Arnaud Berthoud

Economy and Religion: An introduction    43

François Dermange

Is Smith an Calvins disciple?    53

Caroline Bauer

Work and Happiness in Calvins Thought    75

Delphine Pouchain

Rest at the Crossroads of Religion and Economy    97

Marlyse Pouchol

Rejecting Economic Hedonism and Believing in Miracles.
The Common Positions of Keynes and Arendt   123


Damiano Roberi

Capitalism as collapsing religion.
Milan, Capital of the XXI Century   151

Patrick Mardellat

Theodicy and economy.
Leibniz and the rationale of the world   179


Valentine Brunet

The Political Economy of Progress. John Stuart Mill and Modern Radicalism, Joseph Persky   209

Michel Herland

Traité de lœconomie politique, Antoine de Montchrétien   213

Michel Herland

Michal Kalecki et lessor de la macroéconomie, Michaël Assous
and Paul Fourchard   216

Joël Thomas Ravix

Elémens du commerce, Principes et observations œconomiques,
François Véron Duverger de Forbonnais   219

Fabien Tarrit

Une anthropologie économique, François-Régis Mahieu   223

Abstracts   229

Referees for the Revue dhistoire de la pensée économique   233

Authors professional addresses   235