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ASC The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ed. and transl. Michael Swanton, New York, Routledge, 1998.
BBKL Biographesch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, (vol. I-II), éd. Friedrich-Wilhelm Bautz ~ & Traugott Bautz, Nordhausen, Bautz, 1990- 2008. BBLK online : http :// C7 février 2009}.
Chron Rames Chronicon Abbatiae Ramesiensis (Ramsey Abbey), a saec. X. osque ad An. circiter 1200 in quatuor partibus, ed. William Dunn MacRay, London, Longman & Co., 1886 (Rolls Series 83).
Flor Wig Florentii Wigoriensis Monachi Chronicon ex Chronicis, ed. Benjamin Thorpe, London, English Historical Society, 1848-1849.
FMG Charles Cawley, Medieval bands, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy 2000-2009. http :// Projects/MedLands/index.htm {7 février 2009}.
GF Gesta francorum et aliorum Hierosolymitanorum The Deeds of the Franks, ed. and transl. Rosalind M. Hill, Oxford, Oxford University Press (OMT), 1967.
Giraldus Cambrensis Giraldi Cambrensis Opera, 8 vol., ed. James S. Brewer, London, Longman & Co., 1868 (Rolls Series 21, 1-8).
GND The Gestes Normannorum Ducum of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitales and Robert of Torigni, 2 vol., ed. Elisabeth M.C. van Houts, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992.
HA Henry Archdeacon of Huntingdon :Historia Anglorum, ed. Diana Greenway, Oxford,
University Press, 1996.
Hammer Jakob Hammer, «An Unedited Commentary on the Prophetia Merlini in Dublin, Trinitiy College MS 496 E. 6. 2 », Charisteria Thaddeo Sinko, Warszawa, Sumptibus Societatis Philologiae Polonorum, 1951, p. 81-89.
HB Historia Britonum, ed. Theodor Mommsen, MGH XIII, Hannover-Leipzig-Berlin, Hahn`sche Buchhandlung, 1898, p. 111-222.
HE Beda der Ehrwiirdige, Kirchengeschichte des englis- chen Volkes, hrsg. u. libers von Günter Spitzbart, Darmstadt, Wissenscha.ftliche Buchgesellscha.ft, 1997.
HRB The Historia regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth, I, Bern, Burgerbibliothek, MS 568, ed. Neil Wright, Cambridge, D. S. Brewer, 1985, {réimpression 2001}.
HRBg The Historia Regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth, ed. Acton Griscom &Robert Ellis Jones, London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1929 {réimpression Genève, Slatkine 1977}.
LexMa Lexikon des Mittelalters, 10 vol., Stuttgart, Metzler, 1977-1999. LexMa online : http :// C7 février 2009}.
MGH Monuments Germanise Historica, Hannover- Leipzig-Berlin, Hahn`sche Buchhandlung, 1826-.
MP Chron maj. Matthei Parisiensis Chronica maiora, ed. Henry R. Luaxd, 7 vol., London, Longman & Co., 1874 (Rolls Series 57, 1-7).
MP Hist Angl. Matthei Paririensis Historia Anglorum, ed. Frederic Madden, 3 vol., London, Longman, 1866-1869 (Rolls Series 44,1-3).
ODNB Oxford Dictionnary of National Biography online Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004-2009, http :// {9 février 2009}.
OED Oxford English Dictionnary, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, http ://dictionary.oed. com/ {9 février 2009}.
OV O{r}dericus Vitalis, Hist. Eccl. Libri Tredecim, ed. Majorie Chibnall, Oxford, Clarendon Press,
1968-1980 (ND 1983).
{Pseudo-Alanus} Prophetia Anglicanes, Merlini Ambrosii Britanni, ...:unes cum Septem Libris Explesnestionum in eesn- dem Prophetiesm, ... Alani de Insulis, Germani, Doctoris (ob admirabilem & omnigenam erudi- tionem, cognomento) Universalis, & Parisiensis Academiæ, ante annos 300. Rectoris Amplissimi, Francofurti, Typis Ioachimi Bratheringij, 1603.
Rees Lives of the Cesmbro-British Saints, ed. William Jerkins Rees, London, Longman & Co., 1853.
RIS William Rishanger, Chronices et Annales, ed. Henry Th. Riley, London, Longman & Co.,
1865 (Rolls Series 28, 2).
Rolls Series Rolls Series {Rerum Brittanicarum medii aevi scrip- tores} Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Irelesnd during the Middle Ages, 99 vol., London, Longman & Co., 1858-1896, r1914.
RT Chronique de Robert de Torigni, éd. Léopold V. Delisle, 2 vol., Rouen, Le Brument, 1872.
RT Howlett The Chronicle of Robert of Torigni, esbbot of Mont St. Michel, Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, ed. R. Howlett, London, Longman & Co., 1884-1889. (Rolls Series 82, 9).
Vulgata BZblyd Sdcrd Zuxtd Uulgdtdm Clementrndm, ed. Alberto Colunga & Laurentio Turrado, Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1959.
Wendover Roger Wendover, Cronicd cive Flores Historidrum, ed. Henry O. Coxe, 4 vol. & Appendix, London, Longman & Co., 1841 (Rolls Series 84).
WM GP William of Malmesbury, Gertd pontificum Anglorum, ed. N.E.S.A. Hamilton, London & Oxford, Longman & Co., 1870 (Rolls Series 52).
WM GR William of Malmesbury, Gestd Regum Anglorum (Deeds of the English Kings), 2 vol., ed. and transl. Roger Aubry Baskerville Mynors, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998.
WM Vitae Sanctorum William of Malmesbury, Sdint's Lives (Wulfstdn, Dunrtan, Patrick, Benignur, Indract), ed. and transl. Michael Winterbottom & Rodney M. Thomson, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002.