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Classiques Garnier


  • Type de publication : Article de revue
  • Revue : Neologica
    2014, n° 8
    . Revue internationale de néologie
  • Pages : 279 à 282
  • Revue : Neologica
  • Thème CLIL : 3147 -- SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES, LETTRES -- Lettres et Sciences du langage -- Linguistique, Sciences du langage
  • EAN : 9782812429996
  • ISBN : 978-2-8124-2999-6
  • ISSN : 2262-0354
  • DOI : 10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-2999-6.p.0279
  • Éditeur : Classiques Garnier
  • Mise en ligne : 23/06/2014
  • Périodicité : Annuelle
  • Langue : Français

Francine Gerhard-Krait : Neology and general language dictionaries : semantic coding
It is well known that the concept of the neologism is difficult to define and that the frontiers of what can and what cannot be considered as a neologism are fizzzy. Despite this general observation, it is often clalmed in the literature that a neologism is characterized by the absence of or the quest for conventionality. If this is true, we cannot blame dictionaries for being careful about which neologism out of many others is to be lemmatized. Taking these facts roto consideration, we wish to demonstrate in this article that what dictionaries do is walt for a neologism to cease to be one, i.e. to acquire semantic and referential stability which is, in fine, what the processes of denomination do.
Keywords : neology, lexical units, semantic codification, denomination, dictionaries.
Christophe Rey : How neology is treated in the ninth edition of the Dictionnaire de l'Académie franpaise
This article examines the approach to neology adopted in the ninth edition of the Académie française dictionary. How indeed can continuity between editions be malntained with regard to the proverbial slow pace at which the dictionary is produced ? The answer to this question is the main topic of this paper, which shows in particular that the updating of correct usage ("le bon usage") is one of the Academicians' major preoccupations. Although the Académie Française is very careful not to condemn specialised vocabulary too quickly to obsolescence, it has been open to change, in particular to new words. This has been achieved by tapping roto various sources of new words, in particular neologisms, technical ternis, loanwords and linguistic regionalisms.
Keywords : dictionary, neology, "Bon usage", regionalism, loanword, Académie française. Micaela Rossi : How terminological metaphors are presented in dictionaries
This paper alms at describing the lexicographical treatment of metaphorical ternis in French. We will analyse how ternis such as cordes (`ropes', in string theory), hélice (`propeller'), nain ~`dwarf'), which are common language words that acquire a specific meaning in specialised discourse, are integrated roto general language dictionaries such as
Petit Robert or Larousse.
Keywords : neonymy, metaphorical ternis, lexicographical treatment.
Neologica 8, 2014, p. 279-282
280 Giovanni Tallarico : Loanwords in a sports dictionary, the DAAFAPS
This article considers the place of bans or external neology in the vocabulary of sports in French. The sample is taken from a specialized lexicographical corpus (Dictionnaire analogique et alphabétique des activités physiques et sportives by P. Ligas) in view to evaluating the proportion of loanwords — Anglicisme in particular — in the overall vocabulary of the field. Using a general language dictionary (Petit Robert 2014) to eliminate words already consigned by usage, it is possible to ascertain at least to sonie extent, just how new or neological these words are. The official equivalents, as published on the official language planning website FranceTerm, are also taken roto accourt as the official position on these ternis. The specificities of sports vocabulary in both synchrony and diachrony are taken roto accourt, as well as what is involved in the lexicalisation of new words, in particular loanwords.
Keywords : sports vocabulary, loanwords, lexicalization, language planning.
Ji in Choi : How neologisms are entered roto acomputer-based French- Korean dictionary
This paper proposes to observe how French-Korean bilingual dictionaries approach the topic of neologisms, especially electronic dictionaries. Bilingual dictionaries have different policies of accepting new words compared to monolingual dictionaries. Considering the particularities of the electronic medium, we analyze a lexicographical data-base and reflect on the torrent state of the computerized dictionary and its future orientation.
Keywords : computerized bilingual dictionary, French-Korean lexicography, treatment of neologisms, comparative corpus data.
Rima Baraké : The fortunes and misfortunes of borrowed terminology in Arabic
Alter a brief presentation of the statue of Arabic terminology in the official organisme (the academies) and the torrent state of the terminology of linguistics and space science, this article outlines the results of a comparative study (French-English-Arabic) conducted on the terminology of space science and linguistics. The objective is to study the fate of neologisms in scientific discourse and dictionaries. A comparison between the usage of these neologisms and their attestations in monolingual and bilingual dictionaries and in databases makes it possible to determine the means by which these neologisms are consecrated in the language and consequently how they are lexicalized. The focus is on the role played by common usage and the different dictionaries in this process.
Keywords : terminology, neology, Arabic, dictionary.
5oufiane Lanseur : Neologisms derived from language planning for Berber in Algeria : from practice to dictionary entries
This contribution addresses the problem of the creation and the integration of neologisms in the Berber language after having taken on new fonctions as a result of its statue being newly enshrined in the constitution. Because it has become a taught language and a language of teaching, its lexicon extended by neological practice that is dore in two contradictory, but complementary directions. Indeed, researchers write dictionaries to suggest words to keep
281 the language pure, but users and communication professionals actually use different kinds of neologisms drawing on processes that are not used by lexicographers.
Keywords : Neologism, dictionary, lexicography, lexicon, loan, Berber.
Elisabet Llopart 5aumell et Judit Freixa : The fonction of neologisms : review of the dichotomy denominative neology and stylistic neology
The concepts denominative neology and stylistic neology are used to differentiate referential neologisms and expressive neologisms. According to descriptions published in the literature, the first type of neologisms are usually defined as necessary and transparent units, and consequently they tend to have a high usage frequency; while the second type of neologisms are described as unnecessary units that are created to carry out a recreational fonction, and they use transgressive structures to attract attention and tend to be ephemeral. Although some authors generally accept this typology, others authors question that it is a dichotomy at all and, in practice, we tan observe that not all neologisms tan be grouped roto one of these two categories without raising some methodological doubts in some cases. In this article we present a bibliographical review of these two concepts from the perspective of different authors.
Keywords : denominative neology, stylistic neology, fonction of neologisms, lexicographical update.
La fonction des néologismes  : la dichotomie néologie dénominative/néologie stylistique revisitée
Les concepts de néologie dénominative et néologie stylistique sont employés pour différencier néologismes référentiels et expressifs. On lit effectivement que les premiers seraient des unités nécessaires et transparentes et pour cette raison accusent une fréquence élevée, tandis que les seconds sont considérés comme des unités superflues, car créées souvent de manière transgressive pour des motifs ludiques, et souvent de nature éphémère. Ce point de vue est partagé par de nombreux auteurs, mais certains autres le remettent en doute, faisant valoir qu'il ne s'agit pas toujours d'une dichotomie et que, dans la pratique, il n'est pas toujours possible de ranger les néologismes constatés dans une de ces deux catégories. Dans l'article qui suit nous passons en revue les points de vue que différents linguistes ont exprimés sur le sujet.
Mots-clés  :néologie dénominative, néologie stylistique, fonction de néologismes, mise à jour des dictionnaires.
Marie-Laure Pflanz : Lexical borrowing : is there a typology for the neological stage of borrowing ?
Some years ago, the French linguist J. Rey-Debove designed a theory of the process of lexical borrowing in eight steps. The aim of this article is to confront Rey-Debove's theory with actual occurrences of English-language bans in Gennan, taken from a real corpus. We present our own classification of all the "alterity markers" found in a corpus during the neological phase. This in fact validates the relevante of Rey-Debove's theory, especially in regard of the fondamental role played by autonymy, but on the other hand it also shows up aspects of the theory that need to be completed. The general conclusion is that the
282 theory of linear evolution during the neological phase simply cannot be validated. Keywords : Lexical borrowing, loanwords, autonymy, neologisms.
Antoinette Renouf  :Néologie sémantique  :les défis de l'extraction automatique

Depuis la fin des années 19801e recours à un corpus électronique fini est incontournable comme source de renseignements linguistiques dans le cadre de la lexicographie générale, et les centres de traduction et de terminologie s'y mettent aussi progressivement. Depuis la fin des années 19901' informatique est suffisammentperformante pourpermettre le stockage de textes et leur traitement diachronique de telle sorte que la recherche automatisée de néologismes lexicaux est désormais possible. De nos jours, les équipes de recherche et les grandes maisons de dictionnaires se tournent systématiquement vers les corpus textuels afin d'en extraire les nouveaux répertoires. Cependant les linguistes ont besoin non seulement d'un accès automatisé aux gisements de mots nouveaux mais aussi aux nouveaux usages de mots existants. Les dispositifs susceptibles d'automatiser cette collecte sont toutefois longs à développer. La raison principale en est que la qualité sémantique d'un mot est généralement conçue entant que phénomène paradigmatique, mais les logiciels qui traitent les corpus textuels ne possèdent que la dimension syntagmatique. La solution en est de faire de nécessité venu et d'identifier les modifications de sens en termes de traits textuels qui sont automatiquement repérables en surface. C'est de cette façon que la recherche en la matière se fait aujourd'hui. Cet article vise d'abord à rendre compte de l'état de la recherche en ce qui concerne les méthodes exploitées par différents chercheurs, et à présenter ensuite notre système d'identification automatique de la néologie sémantique qui remonte à 1990. Notre stratégie repose sur l'hypothèse qu'une modification significative du profil collocationnel d'un mot signale un nouveau sens. Notre but ici est d'évaluer la performance de cette démarche et de mettre en lumière quelques difficultés que nous avons rencontrées en mettant en relation les logiciels et les statistiques qu'ils fournissent d'une part et les faits de distribution linguistique et le sens lexical de l'autre.
Keywords : corpus textuels, extraction automatique, néologie sémantique, diachronie, collocation.
Kira Peshkov : Tendencies in legal abbreviations
This comparative study of legal abbreviations in Russian and French ralses several hypotheses on the creation of abbreviations and examines some tendencies in the many ways they are formed. several thematic groupe facilitating the creation of abbreviated ternis are identified. The results of research of the various ways in which they are formed in Russian and/or French are also presented, together with some conclusions according to the choke of these means concerning the peculiarities of the language, or the paradigme of abbreviation and type of legal discourse involved. This study in comparative legal linguistics paves the way for a fresh approach to a particular type of neology, that of abbreviation, using a methodology developed for translation studies.
Keywords : legal abbreviations, comparative legal linguistics.