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Classiques Garnier


  • Type de publication : Article de revue
  • Revue : Neologica
    2013, n° 7
    . Revue internationale de néologie
  • Pages : 225 à 227
  • Revue : Neologica
  • Thème CLIL : 3147 -- SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES, LETTRES -- Lettres et Sciences du langage -- Linguistique, Sciences du langage
  • EAN : 9782812412615
  • ISBN : 978-2-8124-1261-5
  • ISSN : 2262-0354
  • DOI : 10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-1261-5.p.0225
  • Éditeur : Classiques Garnier
  • Mise en ligne : 17/07/2013
  • Périodicité : Annuelle
  • Langue : Anglais

Joëlle Ducos : Neology and Mediaeval studies : the genesis of French for specific purposes
Neology car be seen as a major phenomenon during the Middle Ages, alongside the use of Latin and pre-hurnanism. But to study this requires a broader chronology than usual, i.e. as fibm the first attestations, taking roto accourt a great variety of procedures and usages. Medieval terminology emerges as a complex entity of innovation where all the possibilities of linguistic creation are used. Progression is far from linear : ternis appear, disappear or remaln without any clearly perceptible causes, posing the question of a model which could explain how ternis are formed, how they emerge and how they are disseminated.
Keywords : neology, terminology, science, Middle Ages
David Trotter : Ephemeral neologisms : how science and words have evolved
This paper examines the durability of neologisms in medieval French and beyond, concentrating in particular on words derived from Arabic and transmitted through Latin translations. An examination of the Old French Chirurgie d'Albucasis suggests that a high proportion of the technical ternis fibm Arabic are attested only in that translation. Three of the Latin manuscripts ofAlbucasis contain proto-glossaries, probably a principal means by which technical loanwords could be transmitted; but these, in fact, are by no means exclusively glossaries to the text, but rather wider-ranging synonyma. A part of one of the manuscripts (British Library, MS. Additional 36617) is transcribed to make the point. The study also looks at the medical Arabicisms still present in the TLF, and those listed in vol. XIX of the FEW, and finds that there are very few. The conclusion is that the existence of (in this case) Arabic loanwords in an Old French translation does rot mean that any lasting impact has been made on the lexis of French. Most of the words in the Albucasis translation have disappeared.
Keywords : neologism, surgery, glossary, Arabic
Michèle Goyens : What becomes of neologisms in mediaeval scientific French : a question of morphology ?
This article discusses a series of criteria that car be used to formulate research hypotheses regarding the lexicalization or the disappearance of neologisms created during the Middle Ages. In concrete, a previous analysis of neologisms used in certain translations of medical texts have revealed the large majority of borrowings from Latin, next to formations in the vernacular French language, like derivatives. Moreover, borrowings from Latin seem to lexicalize more easily. In this contribution, we would like to explore in
Neologica, 7, 2013, p. 225-227
226 particular the possible influence of morphological characteristics of the neologism on its lexicalization in the language. We pay special attention to criteria emphasized for Modern French by psycholinguistic studies, in order to discuss the way in which they tan be applied to a corpus of medieval neologisms.
Keywords : neology, morphology, "diagrammaticity"
Jean-Patrice Boudet and Matthieu Husson : The vocabulary of astronomy in Old French : the case of the tables and canons of circa 1271
MS Bernkastel-Cues 215 contains an unedited set of astronomical tables and canons in French. Probably written around 1271 these are a new and unique opportunity to deepen our knowledge of the astronomical terminology in old French. The present study establishes, from this material, a glossary of 130 ternis and proposes a first internal and contextual analysis of it on the semantical, dialectal and morphological levels.
Keywords : Astronomy, table, terminology, old French
Yela 5chauwecker : The science of the stars in the court of Charles V : how tan neologisms be identified in an Old French text ?
If the notion of neologism is already difficult to define in the case of a modern language, it proues to be even more difficult when it tomes to historical languages, such as Old French. Since on the one band, we lack the data to distinguish spontaneous formations and hapaxes fibm creations which made their way from the level of speech (parole) to that of language (langue), all rare words or unique attestations are potentially unusual usages, thus potential neologisms. On the other band however, it is not at all easy to identify neologisms in an Old French text, e.g. the astronomical and astrologcal texts written and translated on behalf of Charles V in the later 1360s. Even many of the usages marked by authors or scribes explicitly as estrange, i.e. "unusual" and "new," turn out to be not French derivations from Latin mots, but Latin words forged together with French endings on a relatively fixed pattern (F. Duval, 2011, 508). Determining neologisms on grounds of dictionaries of the Ancient French language does not work either, because, especially when it tomes to scientific writings, only a very small percentage of the avallable material had fund its way roto the dictionaries so far, and, what is more, supposed neologisms mostly turn out to be French adaptations of ternis deeply rooted in the European discursive tradition. Thus, the only method that seems to yield reliable results is to consider the "social aspect" of the neologism—not in its original sense that lexical homogeneity for a given concept helps distinguish hapaxes fibm well-established lexical creations, but the other way round, Since lexical variety seems to enable us to identify concepts for which a satisfying equivalent in Old French bas not yet been fund. In addition, analyses made of a choke of ternis from the corpus seem to indicate that more neologisms tend to be fund among astronomical ternis than among astrological ternis.
Keywords : neologism, astronomy, astrology, terminology, translation
Xavier-Laurent Salvador : 5emantic neologies and adaptations in the encyclopaedic discourse in the Bible Historiale
This article presents a problem of medieval French traductology applied to Bible translations from Latin to the vernacular. The French translator tries to avoid the loss of
227 information due to the supposed weakness of vernacular idioms, and hits on the idea of proving his fidelity to the original sacred text. The comparison between Latin and vernacular shows (1) alteration of the original dictuxn close to semantic neology; (2) new senses of imported means from the classical languages; (3) rewriting of the original text revealing the gap existing between the horizon of expectations of the ancient text and its translation.
Keywords : neologism, translation, Bible, terminology
Ma Caterina Manes Gallo and Henri Portine : The phrases prendre effet or prendre fin : a fieed expression or neologism ?
The purpose of this paper is to show that the neologization process depends on discourse strategies closely related to social activities in a specific domain (here, the domaln of Law). It is centered on French prendre effet and prendre fzn. The authors show how prendre effet is not only a set expression but also a neologism, in opposition to prendre fzn. The analysis is partly based on Guillauxne's notion of "subduction".
Keywords : neologization, discourse, semantic, subduction, law
Catherine Resche : Anthroponyms in economics : another way roto specialised fields and their culture
This paper ralses the question of anthroponyms as ternis, underlining their usefiilness as neonyms. It insists that, in the field of research roto specialised fields, such as economics, anthroponyms represent an entry point not only roto the concepts they denote, but also roto the history of economic thinking and roto the culture of the domain and its specialists. Based on a corpus of 418 such ternis, the analysis first focuses on their components, and then reviews their limits as well as the advantages that can be derived from observing them, especially for a linguist. As mirrors of the themes and ideas that have marked the discipline over time, they offer a rich source of inquiry.
Keywords : anthroponyms, the history of economic thinking, culture, limits, advantages
Sylvie Vandaele : From the neologism to the field of knowledge : the case of Life Sciences
In recent years, a plethora of new ternis designating various subfields of the life sciences and biomedicine have emerged. These new ternis, which are listed in thesauri for the purpose of scientific article indexing, play an essential role in the partitioning of academic disciplines and thus provoke a reorganization of the body of knowledge. However, they are the result of a dynamic interplay between several factors : for sure, those of a scientific nature, but also social, political, and human factors. We performed a comparative analysis, between English and French, of sonie Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). This was dope in order to recapitulate the sequence of events of their genesis and identify those which could explaln certain peculiarities of the English and French arborescences, the latter being the French translation of the former. This diachronic study therefore focuses on the process of neology formation; neologisms may become canonical within a given field, often through a symbolic action by a researcher.
Keywords : diachrony, life sciences, biomedicine, naming, field of knowledge, genetics, molecular biology, genomics