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Classiques Garnier


  • Publication type: Journal article
  • Journal: Neologica
    2011, n° 5
    . Revue internationale de néologie
  • Pages: 223 to 226
  • Journal: Neologica
  • CLIL theme: 3147 -- SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES, LETTRES -- Lettres et Sciences du langage -- Linguistique, Sciences du langage
  • EAN: 9782812442315
  • ISBN: 978-2-8124-4231-5
  • ISSN: 2262-0354
  • DOI: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-4231-5.p.0223
  • Publisher: Classiques Garnier
  • Online publication: 01-05-2012
  • Periodicity: Annual
  • Language: English

Sarah Katrib : Neologisms used by writers commenting on artworks
This article is a study of a small Humber of neologisms found in texts by well-known writers commenting on artworks with a view to ascertaining to what degree they convey information and description. The words analysed ~ianoteux, manétisé, appley/pommesque and revie—are taken from essays and reviews of exhibitions by Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848- 190~, David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930), Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) and Yves Peyré (bora 1952). These literary texts on art are characterised by their aim of communicating the plastic features of the works as much as the impressions or the ideas of the authors, who fully assume the subjective viewpoint of their writing. The writing tan therefore be poetic, huxnorous or even theoretical, and this gives the reader information about how the authors view artistic creation in general. The hypothesis presented here is that lexical creation reveals the difficulty inherent in using everyday language to convey some visible reality, and that it allows the writers to underline the uniqueness of what they think about the artwork by inventing concepts and drawing the reader's attention to their own creativity.

Maribel Peïïalver Vicea : The literary neologism. A linguistic tool to explore the subconscious
Literary neologisms differ markedly from those of everyday language, since the affectivity which is imbued roto literary texts is absent in other types of writing. Although literature is another point where neology tan be evaluated, linguistics has long neglected literary neologisms, simply classifying them as anomalies.
Since literary neologisms play a sociological and affective role, they cannot be studied without going beyond the bounds of linguistics. They need to be studied in conjonc- tion with other disciplines, such as sociology, literary criticism, pragmatics, psychiatry/ psychology and so on. In accordante with this interdisciplinary approach then, the author has drawn on theories developed in psychoanalysis and psychiatry. On the one hand, linguistics needs psychoanalysis to explore authors' subconscious, and psychoanalysis needs linguistics, as it manifests itself in language. On the other hand, literary need linguis- tics to understand associated anomalies of language, whereas linguistics and psychoanalysis need literature to shed light on certain aspects of the human being, which are only accessible through literature.
That being said, the aim of the author is to show how literary neologisms tan provide insight roto the subconscious. The language used by the writer Hélène Cixous, with its extremely rich vocabulary, in particular in its lexical creativity, provides an ideal

Neologica, 5, 2011, p. 223-226
224 case study of how the affectivity projected roto the neologisms is a reflection of the extreme language and the driving forces experienced by the writer. By drawing on the methods used in linguistics and psychoanalysis, a parallel tan be drawn between neologisms in literature and those produced by the mentally ill, thus explalning her reputation of délirade, or excess of delirium.
Psychoanalytical theory posits neologisms as coming from the subconscious; however certain criteria, as will be seen, weaken this hypothesis. By working on the text of alterity the subconscious of the writer may be explored, as it is crystallized in neologisms. Finally a semantic and formal analysis of Hélène Cixous' neologism will help to tome doser to bringing out what is particular in literary neology.
Florence Charles : Le~cal blende : smart words — an example in children's

What is usually called children's literature is a fertile field for investigating questions of neology. Claude Ponti is one of those contemporary French authors whose writing is characterised by lexical creation.
This article examines two albums to study from a formal and a semantic viewpoint the lexical blende created by Ponti, and analyses the way they are used. Certain fonctions are common to other means of lexical creation which are also to be found in the two books under study, whereas others are peculiar to blende. The process sheds light on the way of writing evokes a certain aesthetic, what is sometimes called, in broader ternis, the writer's universe.
Pascaline Lefort : Language in concentration camp : a new language ?
Research on the different ways in which the experience of concentration camps are transmitted has revealed the existence of a novel type of language. The Lager gave birth to new language codes which every prisoner understood and integrated, as ordinary language was incapable of expressiog this reality, this unspeakable reality. This article, written from an enunciative and pragmatic standpoint, questions the place of neologisms in the accounts given by the survivors of Nazi concentration and extermination camps.
Camille Vorger : Does slam breed neologisms ?
Slam, as an emerging emblematic and multidimensional poetic foret, tan be charac- terized by its openness and at the saine time its refusal to be "de-fieed" or imprisoned by any strict or formal rules. It started as a thrust to democratize poetry, to free it from its traditional constraints, and has been built up at the intersection of literature, Song and rap, where epic, lyric and dramatic genres converge, where written and oral expression overlap. It is therefore a hybrid foret, a situational discursive genre, and is performed on a slam stage by means of declamation —the way the voice carries it legitimizes the way it is put roto words. The words are written to be spoken, it is a sample of "oraliterature", to use a blend created by a slam poet, and which echoes the blend of "orature" created by a famous linguist. Slam is fizndamentally expressive, characterized by a space-time unit —that of the stage of slam session, which is open to free expression, and as such particularly apt to stimulate the production of neologisms, a veritable explosion of different forets of lexical creativity. What are the significant forets and the corresponding lexicogenic matrices ? What
225 effects are aimed at and what are the main fonctions of the neologisms identified ? The analysis for this study is drawn from two corpora : the texts of two albums of the French slam artist Grand Corps Malade (2006, 2008), and three texts written or cowritten by slam artists of the Rhône-Alpes region.
Muriel Bourgeois : Thinking with words : explaining the effects and thinking behind the notes found on Pascal's death
The aim of this article, which focuses on Pascal's Thoughts, is to examine the presence of neologisms in the papers which the philosopher left on his death. It may be postulated that a new word or a new usage of a word can reveal much the way Pascal viewed the world.
The first stage in addressing this question is to look roto how far chance, mistakes or even necessity contribute to bringing these neologisms roto being. Then the theoretical criteria and principles which allow us to distinguish between formal and semantic neolo- gisms are then set out. From these principles the question is raised to find out in how far Pascal's neologisms are used as powerfizl instruments of semantic cohesion.
Jean-René Klein and Yuriko Inoue : Valère Novarini, a language demiurge
For those who are already familiar with the creative resources which Valère Novarina is capable of, the following paper can only give the merest glimpse of his "neolo- gical passion". It is a far cry from terminological neology, which is purely referential, or from all forets of instrumentalized language, since the playwright goes to the very limits of the irrational and the incongruous to reach an original language, if not an "Ur" language. The inheritance of Rabelais is quite clear, as Novarina himself indicates in his writing.
This paper is divided roto two parts. It seemed logical to start by analysing the language that Novarina uses to describe his aesthetic convictions, since the writer attaches great importance to his idea of language, in particular the language of the theatre (Lettre aux acteurs, Le drame dans la langue française, Devant la parole). In the second part, we present a typology which accounts for the whole range of his lexical creativity, which goes from the most conventional forets (derivation, compounding, etc.) to other forets of creativity patronymic, flexional or those which we shall conservatively call ex nihilo.
Hugues Galli : From bérureries to san-antoniaiseries. Prolegomena to the study of neologisms in San-Antonio's works
Those who are fond of thrillers and hanky-panky will know that the novels by San-Antonio are a veritable gold mine. Frédéric Dard has been exercising his talent in this genre for the last fifly years using a freewheeling, sometime wild language, which is always ironic, where the syntax is mauled and lexical creations are rife. His work, once relegated to popular literature but now studied in academic circles, constitutes a valuable corpus for all those interested in literary neologisms. One of the aims of the present paper is to demons- trate why a detailed systematic study of Dard's neologisms would seem to be not only necessary for a better understanding of his works, but also offers perspectives which go well beyond the mere linguistic dimension, because of the variety and the density of the corpus. This type of study has the advantage of bringing out clearly the specificities of standard and
slang lexicon and their various means of enrichment in the course of the second half of the twentieth century. This paper also aims at accounting for the difficulties inherent in this sort of endeavour by showing examples of the limitations of certain studies already carried out on the subject. Its other main aim though is to open up research perspectives by presenting preliminary work and sketching out the method which this sort of study presupposes.

Anna Isabella 5quarzina : Struggle for lifer : a neologism struggles for life. From Jean Santeuil to Sodom and Gomorrah
From the early Jean Santeuil to the Tate Sodom and Gomorrah, this article follows how Proust used struggle for lifer, a neologism recalling social Darwinism, which was actually coined by Alphonse Daudet. The two occurrences of the expression in Proust's work are compared. It emerges that they show differing spelling, grammatical category, meaning and context, and this is followed up in a faulty, unstable and changing foret which was quite successfizl at the turn of the century, together with its various evolutions (derivation, conversion) and its metamorphosis are illustrated, analysed and interpreted.

Geneviève Henrot 5ôstero : A Charlus, from the novel to the web : the progress of an example of antonomasia
Modifying a proper naine designating a person by adding an article can produce figures of speech in different contexts, including antonomasia. This leads the hearer/reader to decode the resulting noua phrase [det + NP] Hot as the rigid designator of a unique individual, but as an expression of one example taken from a group of individuals having some striking resemblance with the original. Charlus, the famous baron in Marcel Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu inspired one of literature's most recent cases of antono- masia, aiming at characterizing a particular type of homosexuel. An analysis of Frantext and more broadly from the web shows that NP Charlus has indeed galned the status of antonomasia, to judge from the Humber of occurrences having this meaning, which appear Hot only in critical works published since the novel came out, but more recently, and more importantly, in a large Humber of blogs or discussion groups. Antonomasia thus appears to be the final stage in the process of lexicalisation, following repeated metaphoric, emphatic and exemplary instances of this usage.

Louise-Amélie Cougnon and Richard Beaufort : Neologisms and 5M5
This article gives an overview of the research potential offered by a corpus of SMS messages to be analysed from a neological perspective. Firstly the authors define and limit what may be understood by SMS writing, as a preliminary to presenting the French- language corpora to be analysed. The method of extracting the neologisms is then explai- ned. The result was over one hundred candidates which had a direct bearing on commu- nication mediated by computer. These candidates were then listed and analysed for their geographical origin, the means of their creation and the context in which they first appear.