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Classiques Garnier


  • Type de publication : Article de revue
  • Revue : Neologica
    2007, n° 1
    . Revue internationale de néologie
  • Pages : 223 à 227
  • Revue : Neologica
  • Thème CLIL : 3147 -- SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES, LETTRES -- Lettres et Sciences du langage -- Linguistique, Sciences du langage
  • EAN : 9782812442278
  • ISBN : 978-2-8124-4227-8
  • ISSN : 2262-0354
  • DOI : 10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-4227-8.p.0227
  • Éditeur : Classiques Garnier
  • Mise en ligne : 15/07/2010
  • Périodicité : Annuelle
  • Langue : Anglais

I. Naming
John Humbley  : Terminology and naming  : a defining relation  ?
Naming is one of the main issues in terminology. The question is whether terms are created consciously, and can thus be planned, or if, on the contrary, terms are created as a discursive act, and thus more or less unconsciously. This question has divided the experts ever since terminology as a discipline came of age. The distant origins of terminology are to be found in nomenclatures and taxonomies, and the first expressions of term theory are steeped in standardizing endeavours, thus favouring the first hypothesis. More linguistically orientated studies however, focusing on corpora containing emerging terminologies, stress the various acts of language which fmish up by creating a new term. Alter a period of neglect, naming has returned to the centre of terminologists' preoccupations, thanks to work in cognitive terminology, and to other detailed study on scientific articles, opening the way to a synthesis of the two viewpoints.
Paul 5iblot  : The question of naming  : from the listing of meaning to the analysis of how narres are produced.
The term of naming (nomination in French) may look quite straightforward, but it in fact begs many questions, some of which are quite fondamental oves, such as categorisation in language, specificities of the noue and narre, and ambiguities in linguistic terminology itself. The aim of this article is to clarify the concept of naming on the theoretical level. By examining how this concept is identified in the paradigm of synonyms (designation, appellation, denomination) and how the terms in question are used, we obtain a series of underlying epistemological options to choose between. Some arguments are then mustered in favour of a theory of naming and then illustrated in the analysis of a particular praxematic case, that of casbah. This word was borrowed in an intercultural situation marked by conflicting tensions. We examine how it is used in French.
Dardo de Vecchi  : Keeping track of naming  : pragmaterminology in the business world.
Businesses, which are a particular form of organisations, have constant recourse to naming simply to narre new products and services as they position
themselves on the market. Businesses produce new terme because they express new needs, primarily to stand out in the market. They produce new terme which are so many distinctive signe of their specificity. As these new terme are vital in human resources, communication, business culture, knowledge management, the study of how terme are used in these situations justifies setting up a specific method, which can be called pragmaterminology.
It can be shown that the way firme conceptualize their activities with their own particular terme distinguishes them from their competitors and are vital in the firm's internal and external communication. These terme can change meaning rapidly, for example within the life of a project, and need to be followed, preferably from a sociolinguistic viewpoint. The necessity to keep track of a firm's particular use of language is exemplified in the many on-lire glossaries put on websites, to help the outsider decode the firm's vocabulary. This implies a parallel with the way the term's meaning evolves and the action which are implied, and how they are integrated into the community of the business. Firme are veritable word factoriel, and a close watch on how words change in this context is more than ever necessary.
François Gaudin  : A naming revolution in chemistry  :forcing it through  ?
In the history of scientific vocabulary, the birth of the language of modern chemistry represents a breakthrough. The effective change in the terminological paradigm is determined by the efficiency it guarantees, strategies involved and the groupe of scientiste who imposed it.
The new nomenclature is based on simple, efficient principles, including the motivation of the narres used, the choke of Greek mots and French forme for the terme.
An analysis of these terminological upheavals makes obvious the determining desire to lirait the arbitrary nature of language, whereas this is the very principle of spontaneous language.
Iéda Alves  : Naming by borrowing in Brazilian Portuguese
The aim of this study is to characterize a nuxnber of features of loan words in contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. The examples corne not only from the written press (newspapers and magazines) but also from a corpus of specialized and popularized publications in the field of economics. In the general language corpus, a systematic study of new words appearing in the printed media since 1993 shows that coinages in the native language are far more frequent than bans. For special languages, especially for popular economics, are often rendered by Portuguese expressions, or followed up by a definition. In specialised texte, it can be shown that
borrowings are well integrated as they produce derivates, though there are wrongly formed loan translations. Other borrowings, especially from English, tend to be replaced by indigenous expressions. Translated books tend to replace direct bans in subsequent editions.
Jean-François 5ablayrolles  :Naming, rames and neology  : intersection and symmetrical differences.
This article seeks to study the relationships between neology and naming taken from the viewpoint of the act of giving a name, to be distinguished from the word or denomination itself, which is the result of this operation, producing a stable form.
First of all, neology and naming do rot coincide completely. The influence of the syntactic context, desire to be identified as an insider or to achieve expressivity can give rise to neologisms without there being any concomitant new realities to be named. From the other point of view, naming is rot always accompanied by neologisms : usages may be extended and meanings may be specialized in context, and in general old signs may be used for new realities.
T'hen again, several parameters must be taken into accourt when examining naming by neology. The factor of the degree of urgency is fondamental : does the speaker have time to give thought to the new name or is the sentence akeady half out ? The aim of convincing both hearer and speaker/writer of the existence of a new reality or to express an opinion on the subject is a second parameter. Finally we examine various cases of renaming.
Naima 5emmar-Djabelkheir  :Naming in the process of neology
This article examines the neological process at work in the act of naming. In order to bring out what is specific to naming, we shall first draw a parallel with two concepts which are more frequently distinguished, i.e. naming and denomination. The demonstration will then be given using a small number of neologisms taken from a multilingual context, i.e. the Algerian sociolinguistic environnent. By concentrating on semantic neology in particular, and applying the theory of praximatics to the study of how meaning is produced, we attempt to show how, in discourse, naming by means of a praxeme (here the neologism), car give rise to new meanings which are shared collectively within the praxic and sociocultural context. The whole question is thus to bring out the part played by collective experiences on language, in particular through the development of semantic neology in naming.

II. Other articles
Bénédicte Laurent  : Trade mark, product names  :analysis of an exemplary case of lexical creativity.
The most likely candidate for the type of proper noue most liable to be affected by neology could well be the trade mark or the product name. As a member of a claes presented as a special case in lexical dynamics, the trade or product name, which ultimately aims at triggering the act of purchase, is specifically neological in all cases. The aim here is to analyse how meaning is produced from the trade or product name in itself and for itself, as Saussurian linguistics would have it. The corpus used is comprised of all trade names registered in France up to 2004 at the official body, Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle. This computer assisted analysis brings out various models of neologisms which are invoked. This way, different strategies can be pointed out in the lexical constructions thus created, notably neology of meaning and neology of form, involving the creation of a new word Creuse of existing words, creations, bans from other languages, neography).
It will be seen how visual and discursive contextualisation aims at mobilising all this linguistically creative potential. Thus the analysis will concentrate on such names of products as Twingo, Kangoo and Espace, which represent three different types of neology (form and bits of bans, form and meaning, meaning by changing from a common noue to a proper nouas).
Arnaud Richard  :Black or Noir  ? A borrowing of identity or a borrowed identity ?
A person's skie colour is a physical characteristic used to refer to this person. This simple observation of fact is the starting point for our study of the word black as it is used in French. This term, which only recently appeared in French, is examined from the points of view of discourse analysis and sociolinguistics, and at the saure time, its mode of appearance, by borrowing, is analysed, as is the way it is actually used in discourse (real attested usages). A brief metalexicographical study was then carried out before analysing a corpus of seven years of the French press, to prepare for a field survey made among high-level sports men and women. The aim of this survey was to bring out the real language practices of the target group. The important point was to grasp that to refer to a person implies that the speaker takes a certain stance and expresses a viewpoint. Our attitudes, even the most trivial oves, are coordinated by the choke of terms we use. Although both noir and black now undeniably exist in French, the speaker should be aware of the usage attached to
each of these words, as the respect for the other often starts by the way we refer to him or her.
Anne-Laure Jousse  : Neology in pamphlets
Our research concerns the study of neology in pamphlets. The corpus we worked on is mainly composed of racist and antireligious texts. Alter a brief analysis of the creativity in pamphlets, we focus on lexical creativity i.e. neology. We set out a typology from a morphological and semantical point of view. Then we will look at the roles and fonctions of neologisms in the particular rhetoric of pamphlets.
Céline Ahronian Terminology and translation  : constructing a system of equivalence types
This research was carried out in a view to helping translators and creating neologisms. The aim is to study the structure of compound words in English in the field of the Internet extracted from a corpus and comparing these with attested French equivalents in order to work out a method to translate into French future compounds of this sort. The system is computer based to insure efficiency and incorporation into the translator's working environment, and takes the form of a bilingual term base generating subject-specific neology.