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Classiques Garnier

Discours rapporté, rapport à l’histoire et construction de communautés :français et allemands La Première Guerre mondiale dans les manuels scolaires d’histoire français et allemands

  • Publication type: Article from a collective work
  • Collective work: Le Discours rapporté. Temporalité, histoire, mémoire et patrimoine discursif
  • Author: Von Münchow (Patricia)
  • Abstract: This article examines the relationships to history and the types of communities that are reflected as well as constructed by the various configurations of reported speech in the chapters dealing with World War I in French and German history text books. Whereas French authors create a distance from the World War I era and construct a community that is alternately European and French, German authors practice “multiperspectivity” while focusing on Germany.
  • Pages: 107 to 122
  • Collection: Encounters, n° 344
  • CLIL theme: 4027 -- SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES, LETTRES -- Lettres et Sciences du langage -- Lettres -- Etudes littéraires générales et thématiques
  • EAN: 9782406074274
  • ISBN: 978-2-406-07427-4
  • ISSN: 2261-1851
  • DOI: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-07427-4.p.0107
  • Publisher: Classiques Garnier
  • Online publication: 06-15-2018
  • Language: French