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Classiques Garnier

La Fabrique d’une revue de voyages illustrée (1860-1914) Le Tour du monde

  • Publication type: Book
  • Author: Chapelle (Pierrette)
  • Abstract: Le Tour du monde was dreamed up in 1860 by L. Hachette and É. Charton as a way to popularize geography. Images played a key role in it, both as evidence that a voyage took place and as pedagogical tools. The journal’s success encourages us to consider the publishing process behind it and the origins of the stories it contained.
  • Number of pages: 328
  • Parution: 07-03-2019
  • Collection: World Geographies, n° 24
  • CLIL theme: 4027 -- SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES, LETTRES -- Lettres et Sciences du langage -- Lettres -- Etudes littéraires générales et thématiques
  • EAN: 9782406077107
  • ISBN: 978-2-406-07710-7
  • ISSN: 1279-8428
  • DOI: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-07712-1
  • Publisher: Classiques Garnier
  • Online publication: 06-26-2019
  • Language: French
  • Keyword: Éditeur, géographie, illustration, journal, Le Tour du monde, récit de voyage, voyage, voyageur, voyageuse, vulgarisation