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Classiques Garnier

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Table des matières

Préface 9


(2004-2014) / TEN YEARS OF PROGRESS (2004-2014)

Antonio Becchi et Robert Carvais

LHistoire de la construction.
Un chantier européen 13

Klaus Tragbar

Construction History in Austria 27

Inge Bertels

Construction History in Belgium (2004-2014).
From Attas to Zastavni 35

Robert Carvais, Hélène Dessales,
Valérie Nègre, Guy Lambert, Philippe Bernardi

Une histoire de la construction à la française, 2004-2014 71

Karl-Eugen Kurrer and Werner Lorenz

Construction History in Germany 195

Riccardo Gulli

Construction History in Italy 247


Dirk Van de Vijver

Construction History in the Netherlands  291

João Mascarenhas-Mateus

The study of the history of construction in Portugal.
Between the singular and the universal  325

Sergej Fedorov

Outline of the current state of construction history
in Russia since 1990 357

Claes Caldenby

Construction History in Scandinavia 373

Santiago Huerta and Ignacio Javier Gil-Crespo

Construction History in Spain.
The Disciplines Foundation  387

Franz Graf, Yves Delemontey et Giulia Marino

Lhistoire de la construction en Suisse /
Construction History in Switzerland 425

Bill Addis and James W.P. Campbell

Construction History in the United Kingdom 467



Antonio Becchi et Robert Carvais

Anthologie, une introduction 523

John Summerson (1985)

What is the History of Construction? 535


Jane Morley (1987)

Review of the First issue of Construction History539

Jane Morley (1987)

Building Themes in Construction History.
Recent work by the Delaware Valley Group 541

Tom F. Peters (1989)

An American Culture of Construction 563

Edoardo Benvenuto (1991)

Introduction for An Introduction
to the History of Structural Mechanics 585

Linda Clarke (1992)

Introduction for Building Capitalism 591

Edoardo Benvenuto (1995)

Introduction pour Entre Mécanique et Architecture 599

Yves Esquieu (1997)

Larchéologie du bâti en France  613

Karl-Eugen Kurrer (2002)

Präambel zum 1st International Congress
on Construction History in Madrid  629

Tiziano Mannoni e Anna Boato (2002)

Archeologia e storia del cantiere di costruzione  633

Lori Aument (2003)

Construction History in Architectural Conservation.
The exposed aggregate, reinforced concrete
of Meridian Hill Park  667

James W.P. Campbell (2005)

The Finances of the Carpenter in England, 1660-1710.
A Case Study on the implications of the Change
from Craft to Designer-Based Construction 697


Linda Clarke (2005)

From Craft to Qualified Building Labour in Britain.
A comparative approach  737

Werner Lorenz (2005-2006)

From Stories to History, from History to Histories.
What Can Construction History Do? 767

Antoine Picon (2005-2006)

Construction History.
Between Technological and Cultural History 789

Chris Powell and Robert Thorne (2006)

Foreward – Coming of Age  813

Dirk Van de Vijver (2007)

Tentare Licet. The Theresian Academys Question
on the Theory of Beams of 1783  817

Bill Addis (2007-2016)

Notes on compiling my book.
Building: 3000 years of Engineering design and construction  841

Hélène Dessales (2008)

Larchéologie de la construction. Essai de définition  847

Karl-Eugen Kurrer (2008)

The tasks and aims of a historical study
of theory of structures  859

Inge Bertels and Bart Tritsmans (2008-2011)

Building the city. Recent evolutions
in historical research focussing on the architecture
of nineteenth-century Belgian cities  879

James W. P. Campbell (2009)

Building a Fortune.
The Finances of the Stonemasons Working
on the Rebuilding of St Pauls Cathedral 1675-1720  901


Uta Hassler and Torsten Meyer (2009)

Construction History and the History of Science
An Approach to the Scientification of Building Knowledge 921

Antonio Pizzo (2009)

La Arqueología de la Construcción.
Un laboratorio para el análisis
de la arquitectura de época romana 937

Susan Verdi Webster (2009)

Masters of the Trade. Native Artisans, Guilds,
and the Construction of Colonial Quito 973

Antonio Becchi (2010)

Histoire de la construction, un regard italien  1013

Stefano Camporeale (2010)

Archeologia dei cantieri di età romana  1021

Robert Carvais (2010)

Plaidoyer pour une histoire humaine
et sociale de la construction  1051

Santiago Huerta (2010)

LHistoire de la construction en Espagne.
Origines et état des recherches  1075

Santiago Huerta (2010)

Historia de la Construcción.
La fundación de una disciplina  1093

Antoine Picon (2010)

LHistoire de la construction.
Entre cadres culturels nationaux
et problématiques internationales  1113

Joël Sakarovitch (2010)

Lhistoire de la construction et lhistoire des sciences  1125


Inge Bertels (2011)

Building Contractors in late Nineteenth-century Belgium.
From Craftsmen to Contractors  1139

Annie Fourcaut et Loïc Vadelorge (2011)

Où en est lhistoire urbaine du contemporain ? 1167

Robert Carvais , André Guillerme ,
Nègre and Joël Sakarovitch (2012)

On Construction History  1191

Bill Addis and Nick Bullock (2012)

Editorial  1203

Riccardo Gulli (2012)

Materiali per un cantiere di ricerca
sulla Storia della Costruzione  1209

Valérie Nègre et Guy Lambert (2012)

Lhistoire des techniques.
Une perspective pour la recherche architecturale ?  1223

Bill Addis and Hermann Schlimme (2013)

Editorial  1237

Antonio Becchi (2013)

Looking for an Equilibrium Point.
Wilson, Machiavelli and the King of Siam  1245

Donald Friedman (2013)

A History of Building Technology
and Preservation Engineering  1271

Robin Middleton (2013)

The first history of construction?
A Mémoire by Jean Rondelet  1285

Tullia Iori and Sergio Poretti (2014)

An exciting investigation 1315


Introduction aux index  1321

Index nominum  1323

Index rerum et notionum  1378

Index locorum et institutionum  1423

Résumés et présentations des auteurs  1457