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Classiques Garnier

Subjects Index

  • Type de publication : Article de collectif
  • Collectif : Good Friday Ceremonies with Articulated Figures in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
  • Pages : 411 à 417
  • Collection : Rencontres, n° 606
  • Série : Civilisation médiévale, n° 57
  • Thème CLIL : 4027 -- SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES, LETTRES -- Lettres et Sciences du langage -- Lettres -- Etudes littéraires générales et thématiques
  • EAN : 9782406157632
  • ISBN : 978-2-406-15763-2
  • ISSN : 2261-1851
  • DOI : 10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-15763-2.p.0411
  • Éditeur : Classiques Garnier
  • Mise en ligne : 27/12/2023
  • Langue : Français

Subjects Index1

Adoratio Crucis ceremony:

Iberian Peninsula: 312

Jerusalem: 311

Montecassino: 261

see also missa praesanctificatorum

Adoratio et Depositio Crucis: 127, 129

Advent: 212


stripping of, symbolism: 31

symbol of Christ: 31-32

washing of: 28, 31-32

Anastasis replicas: 48

in Aquilea (Italy): 49

in sepulcher form: 47

articulated Christs: 15

animated images as evidence for: 338

Aragon: 324, 365, 367

Barking nunnery: 103

Bohemia: 12

Boxley Abbey: 8

Canary Islands, map: 361, 367

catalogue: 60, 123

Chełmno: 60

and Depositio ceremony: 63-64, 69

descent from the cross: 8, 59, 291, 306, 334

Huesca: 325, 326

Iberian Peninsula: 320

map: 310, 366

table: 367

iconographic testimony: 334-335

Italy: 105, 306

Jerusalem: 88

liturgical use: 61, 66, 92

Lugo: 333

medieval, map: 366

and mystery plays: 140, 142-143

numbers: 7-8

Oberwesel Church: 55

oldest: 14, 50, 61, 260

Pontevedra: 332

Portugal: 362

realism: 11

reused images: 330

Segovia: 331

statues, Canary Islands: 361, 367

studies on: 61

uses: 8, 94

Viseu: 327

Visitatio Sepulchri: 334

see also articulated crucifixes

articulated crucifixes:

Arezzo: 252, 259

Bergamo: 255

Burgos: 335

Döbeln (Saxony): 136, 137, 144

features: 235

Ferrara: 284-285

functions: 235-236

Italy: 251-252, 257-259

BeWeb database: 252

numbers: 252

Man of Sorrows position: 307

mixed materials:

Perugia: 252, 256, 258

Pesaro-Urbino: 258

black, avoidance of: 70


Brixen Book of the Cathedral Sacristan: 148, 150

Bystorp Manual, Denmark: 159, 196

Catholic Encyclopedia: 121

Catholic Enlightenment: 123

Catholic Reformation: 288-289, 294

Cenacle: 34


Heu Heu, Italian: 80, 81

The Passion: 245-246

Christian liturgy:

development: 16

Spain: 91

Christianity, official religion of Roman Empire: 17

Christianization, Mexico: 112-13

Christmas Day, introduction: 16

Church Ordinance (1571), Sweden: 165

clergy, confraternities, collaboration: 104, 106, 281

clerics, training: 66-67

coffers, receptacles for gisants: 51


Assisi: 89, 273

battuti (flagellants): 238-239

clergy, collaboration: 104, 106, 281

Hoop and Hammer: 212

Italy: 105, 106-108, 239, 275

lay: 13, 61, 100, 234, 243, 267, 276

Mexico: 113

New Spain: 113, 120

San Domenico: 266, 273-274, 278

self-flagellation: 104, 234, 239

types: 100

Vera Cruz: 106-108, 120, 319

see also flagellant confraternities, penitential confraternities

Congregation of Bishops and Regulars (1582 AD): 69

Constitucio Watzstenensis, Sweden: 196

Council of Trent (1545-1563 AD):

control of lay associations: 109

and Depositio ceremony: 9

and Descendimiento de la Cruz ceremony: 328, 330, 350, 353-354

and paraliturgical ceremonies: 14, 63

on treatment of relics: 119

Counter-Reformation, and Eucharist: 292; see also Protestant Reformation


in Depositio ceremony: 69

and Hosts, burial: 340

washing of: 32, 55

see also Descent from The Cross ceremony

crucifixes with movable arms: 134-136, 139-40

Austria: 134

detachable, Chur Cathedral: 130

examples: 134

Germany: 134

illustrations: 137-138, 141

see also articulated crucifixes

The Crucifixion, avoidance of depiction: 47

Dead Christ procession:

Entierro, Milan: 292

funeral: 237

nocturnal: 72, 292

post-Tridentine: 237

Depositio, meaning: 8-9

Depositio ceremony:

absence from Missale Romanum: 9, 43, 68, 125

and articulated Christs: 63-64, 69

attempts to abolish: 46

Bohemia: 12

Braga Cathedral: 13, 43, 81, 125, 362

British Isles: 44-45, 78-81, 90

buried objects: 69

chants: 12, 62, 78-80, 103-104, 160, 244, 249, 263

and Council of Trent: 9

descriptions of: 22-23, 50-51, 62-67, 77-78, 87-88, 103-104, 113-17, 118, 158-159

development: 68-76, 153-154


dissemination, Europe and overseas: 77-91

earliest: 11, 22-23, 27

and Elevatio, interdependency: 10, 37-41, 125

and Elevatio crucis ceremony: 129

England: 38, 44-45

Ethiopian: 88

France: 78-80, 85

geographical distribution: 14

in German-speaking lands: 11-12, 62, 64, 78

in Good Friday liturgy: 15, 77

host in: 9, 15, 28, 37, 46, 69

Italy: 13, 33, 43, 77, 80, 103, 106, 233, 237, 263

Jerusalem: 25, 78, 85, 238, 304

byzantinisation of: 82

Church of the Holy Sepulchre: 81, 84-86

in Liber Sacerdotalis (Castellani): 250

liturgical sources: 11-12, 44-46, 64, 77, 80, 153-66

non-liturgical status: 41, 125

objects used in: 27, 48, 50, 55

oldest documents: 24, 78

Olomouc diocese: 12

origins: 15-26

Paco de Sousa monastery (Portugal): 81

Padua: 244

Poland: 63, 77

Portugal, English importation: 313

post-1570: 41, 63, 68-76

Spain: 10, 33, 77, 90, 100, 106

variants: 238

Venice: 71, 250-251, 292

see also Depositio crucis ceremony, Descent from the Cross ceremony, paraliturgical ceremonies

Depositio Crucis ceremony:

Chotěšov monastery: 211

Denmark: 9, 77, 157

medieval Scandinavia: 11-12

Norway: 166

Olomouc diocese: 215-16

St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague Castle:

Sweden: 156-157

Winchester: 127

see also Deposition from the Cross

Depositio Crucis et hostiae, custom: 128

Depositio sculptures:


Frørup Church: 171-172, 172, 173

Kerteminde Church: 167, 168

Mariager Monastery Church: 169-70, 171

Naestved St Peter Abbey Church: 175

Øster Broby Church: 176

Praestø Church: 176-177

Ribe Cathedral: 176

Roskilde Cathedral: 177

Roskilde St Clare nunnery: 175

Tornby Church: 173-174, 174


The Holy Cross Church in Hattula: 192

Korpo Church : 189-90, 190

Laitila/Letala Church: 192, 193, 194

Turku/Abo Cathedral: 190-192, 191


Flensburg St Mary Church: 177-178


Andenes Church: 194


Alunda Church: 187

Bäl Church: 178-179, 178

Bollnäs: 184-185, 184

Danmarks Church: 187-188

Enköping Our Lady Church: 182-184, 183

Genarp: 188-189

Linköping Cathedral: 185

Riddarholmskyrkan: 179-80, 179

Roslagsbro Church: 181-182, 182

Tuna Church: 187

Uppsala Cathedral: 185-187, 186


Vada Church : 189

Västerlövsta Church: 180-181, 181

Deposition and burial ceremony: 263, 267, 269-70, 284, 294-296

Deposition from the Cross: 261, 267, 282

Erill la Vall: 92

Franciscan ritual: 293-305

wooden group of Tivoli: 264

see also Depositio Crucis ceremony, Desenclavos

descendimiento de la Cruz ceremony:

Braga: 340, 361

Canary Islands: 350, 360

and Council of Trent: 328, 330, 350, 353-354


and Franciscan mysticism:

Iberian Peninsula:

map: 310

León: 359, 360

Lugo: 357-358

Portugal: 361

map: 310

Spain: 309

and theater: 350

Valladolid: 318

Descent from The Cross ceremony:

Burgos: 335

León: 359

San Juan monastery: 117, 117

Desenclavos, chronology: 320-322

Directorium Chori: 131-132

Easter rituals:

St. John the Baptist church, Přibyslav: 219

Zdeněk of Ronov, regulation: 219

Easter sepulchers:

Bratislava: 149

Brixen: 151

Chemnitz: 145

Guadalajara: 348

León: 34

Salzburg: 150

shrine-like structures: 149

Slovakia: 146, 151

Vienna: 149

Wittenberg: 149

Zwickau: 145

Easter Triduum: 235

and Good Friday synaxis: 242

reconfiguration: 241

Elevatio crucis ceremony:

Aquileia Cathedral: 249

and Depositio: 129

Padua: 244

Epiphany: 16


and Counter-Reformation: 292

cult: 237

evangelization, and iconography: 350

Exploration, Age of: 89

flagellant confraternities:

Assisi: 104, 268, 271

Santo Stefano: 104, 268

Flagellant Movement:

Perugia: 109, 238, 278

see also penitential confraternities


Goa: 120

Fortyhours devotion: 136

Fourth Lateran Council (1215 AD): 76, 128

Franciscan Custody, Jerusalem: 83

Franciscan ritual:

deposition from the cross: 293-305

geographical distribution, Depositio ceremony: 14

Georgian lectionary: 24-25

Gethsemane, garden of: 19, 120, 299


anointing: 56

Kerteminde church: 54, 63

la Maigrauge Abbey: 53, 56

Little Leighs: 58

manipulation: 56


realism: 53

stone: 55

surviving: 54, 59, 63

Wienhausen Abbey: 11, 171

see also articulated Christs

Good Friday ceremonies:

Jerusalem: 299

Kirchmeyer on: 51

medieval Bohemia: 74, 201-31

Olomouc, Poor Clares abbey: 217

Seville: 314, 315

see also articulated Christs, Depositio ceremony

Good Friday liturgy:

Depositio ceremony in: 15, 77

Good Friday mass:

Frank on: 50

outline structure: 22

see also Depositio ceremony

Good Friday procession: 251, 292-293, 303

with host: 70

Good Friday synaxis:

and Easter Triduum: 242

elements: 242

Parma: 246

Graduale Arosiense, Sweden: 165, 196

Gran Ritual:

hand gestures, Three Marys: 345


ceremony: 25

clergy: 17, 19

liturgy: 16, 24, 82

Hispanic liturgy: 91

Pinell on: 98

Holy Entombment processions, Spain: 309-10

Holy Roman Empire: 78-80

Holy Sepulcher:

at Esztergom: 147

construction: 20

under Constantine: 18

Zwickau: 145, 145, 151

see also Easter Sepulchers

Holy Thursday: 31-32, 136, 240, 242, 247, 302, 308

Holy Week: 11

creation: 17, 19

processions: 290, 292

Holy Women:

visit to sepulcher: 37

on wooden coffer: 53

Holy Wounds of Christ: 31


burial, Bohemia: 214

in Depositio ceremony: 9, 15, 28, 37, 46, 69

display on Good Friday: 28-29

display in monstrance: 74

representing dead Christ: 9, 26, 70, 76

reservation of: 29, 31-33, 36


and crosses, burial: 27, 38, 162

supernumerary: 35-36

Hussite Wars, Bohemia: 231

iconography, and evangelization: 350

Imago pietatis: 263, 301

interactive images, Italy: 13

Jesuits, lavishness of processions: 122

Knights Hospitaller, Prague: 211

Last Supper: 31, 34

lay devotion, and liturgy: 306, 308

Lent: 120, 281

Liber processionalis: 245

Linköping Ordinal, Sweden: 163

liturgical calendar: 16

liturgical cycle: 17

liturgical deposition, Italy: 103, 234, 244-51, 304

liturgical manuscripts: 40, 50, 67, 67

Scandinavia: 44

liturgical sources: 44-45, 64, 153

Denmark: 157-159


Germany: 160

Norway: 166

Sweden: 11, 161-165


development: 17, 142

and lay devotion: 306, 308

processional: 19

uniform: 42

see also medieval liturgy, Roman liturgy

Man of Sorrows position, articulated crucifixes: 307

manuscripts, destruction of: 44

Marian Lamentation, Bordesholm: 139


Good Friday: 9, 15, 20-22, 31, 50-51

Maundy Thursday: 15, 31, 34, 72

medieval liturgy: 9, 32, 125, 237, 239-41

memorization, in Middle Ages: 66-67

mendicant orders: 42, 47, 101, 113, 238, 265, 357-358

missa praesanctificatorum: 127

Missale ottoniense, Denmark: 196

Missale Romanum:

absence of Depositio ceremony from: 9, 43, 68, 125

Missale slesvicensis, Denmark: 160, 196

Missale strengnense, Sweden: 163


Sedlec monastery: 213, 214

use: 74-75, 214

monumentum: 32, 35

Mozarabic rite: 41, 81

Muslim reconquest, Jerusalem: 87

mystery plays, and articulated Christs: 140, 142-143

Ordo Nidrosiensis ecclesiae, Norway: 166

Ottoman rule, Jerusalem: 300

Palm Sunday: 26, 123, 131

Palmesel: 26, 123

Pange lingua hymn: 241, 311

paraliturgical ceremonies: 9-10, 89, 100-24

and Council of Trent: 14, 63

Paschal sepulchers: see Easter sepulchers

The Passion ceremony:

Aversa: 287

chants: 104-105

cult: 293

Eastern Christianity: 98

Iberian Peninsula: 91, 355

iconography: 47, 125

Naples: 286

sermon: 283

penitential confraternities:

Barcelona: 108

Bologna: 108

Perugia: 107

Portuguese territories in Asia: 120

Vicence (Vicenza): 108

see also Flagellant Movement

Pietàs with crucifixes with movable arms: 140-144

Bohemia: 134, 140-142, 152

Lesser Poland: 134

origins: 140

St. Pelagius church, Rottweil: 141

statues: 140-141

Planctus Mariae: 140-142, 144, 152, 248, 339


dramatized: 283

Entierro, Milan: 292

Florence: 308

Holy Week: 292

Jesuits, lavishness: 122

pedagogical function: 122

penitential: 281

as professions of faith: 122

stational: 60, 247, 250, 301-302, 306

Protestant Reformation: 44, 288; see also Counter-Reformation

pyx: 178, 198, 241

shaped as tower: 29-30, 30

Quo Primum bull (1570 AD): 68


Regularis Concordia: 23, 26, 28, 39-40, 79, 127

relics, Council of Trent on: 119

repository: 33-34, 46, 241, 347

Resurrection: 16-18, 37-40, 47-48, 85, 135, 162-163, 242, 283, 344

Road to Emmaus, relief: 95

Roman Empire, division: 82

Roman liturgy: 41-42, 44, 99, 244, 311

Romanesque art: 343-344

Romanesque tympanum, León: 334, 335-336

Sacred Congregation of Rites:

creation: 68

decrees: 33, 45, 71-73

sculptures: seeDepositio sculptures

Second Vatican Council (1962-1965 AD): 41-42, 241


British Isles: 48, 58, 125

hybrid: 55

use in Depositio: 56

see also Easter sepulchers, Holy Sepulcher

Sepultura Christi ceremony, Wienhausen Monastery: 342

Shrine Madonnas:

Durham Cathedral: 132

examples: 133

Throne of Mercy in: 132

Vienna: 133

Suffering Christ (Christus Patiens): 47, 63, 241

tableaux vivants: 289, 292

theater, and Descendimiento de la Cruz ceremony: 350

theologians, post-Tridentine: 351

Throne of Mercy: 132

Tomb of Christ sculptures: 155, 175, 199

Vadis propitiator, Italy: 244

Vadstena Ordinal, Sweden: 161-162

Vadstena Processional, Sweden: 162

vision literature: 139

Visitatio Sepulchri:

articulated Christs: 334

Sweden: 161, 195

Vyšehrad Castle: 202

1 References to illustrations are in italics.