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Classiques Garnier





Stephan Müller and Gunnar Knitschky

Platform economics in logistics.
Servitization of a service sector?    17

Olivier Mevel, Thierry Morvan and Nélida Morvan

Service relationship, service loop
and service package examined in a logistics context    35

Amr Mir, Sara Lazaar
and Mohammed Amine Balambo

The logistics service provider as an integrator
of supply chain. Evidences from an emerging market    69

Alexander Rapp, Adina Lucia Simonovic
and Rudolf O. Large

Lets get greener!
Environmental strategies of logistics service providers    93

Raphaël Lissillour, François Fulconis
and Harilaos N. Psaraftis

A nomos perspective of shipping service industries   125



Gilles Paché, Christian Morel and Gérard Roveillo

Digitalization strategies in wholesaling services.
A logistical perspective of intermediation   157

Camal Gallouj and Hind Marzak

The establishment of large-scale food retailing
in emerging countries and its impact on the supply chain.
The case of Morocco   171

Abstracts   185