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Iberia 2017 entries



2017 entries


ALPALHÃO, Margarida Santos, CARRETO, Carlos Clamote and DIAS, Isabel de Barros, coord. O Jogo do Mundo. Ensaios sobre o Imaginário Lúdico. Lisboa: IELT-NOVA FCSH, 2017, 483 p.

This book includes a set of articles chosen from those presented at the “Multidisciplinary Colloquium – The Game” (Lisbon, NOVA-FCSH, 2013). The various contributions reflect on the notion of “game” in its multiple valences and based on different scientific areas. Some of these articles focus on medieval literature.

Keywords: conference proceedings, medieval literature.

MIRANDA, José Carlos Ribeiro, org. and SILVA, Rafaela da Câmara, rev. En Doiro antro Porto e Gaia: Estudos de Literatura Medieval Ibérica. Porto: Estratégias Criativas, 2017, 1025 p.

Volume that contains the studies presented at the XVI International Congress of the Asociación Hispánice de Literatura Medieval - AHLM (Oporto, 21-25 September 2015). (IBD)

Keywords: conference proceedings, medieval literature.


MARTÍNEZ TORREJÓN, José Miguel, ed. crit, trad, notes, CASTRO, Inês de Ornellas e and SANTOS, Maria do Rosário Laureano, ed. trad. 480of Latin texts. Miscelânea Pereira de Foios. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2017, 843 p.

Edition of a large and disparate set of documents, gathered in a book (c. 1571-1577). Despite the miscellanys diversity of content, genres and authors, it is possible to identify some points of interest that must have oriented the compiler in his collection. The presence of poems (in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin, some of which are yet to be published) and historiographical documents (referring to the reigns of D. João III and D. Sebastião of Portugal, Carlos V and Filipe II of Spain / I of Portugal) have allowed the authors to trace not only the literary and thematic taste of the collector, but also to grasp some opinions on the political experience and pessimism that existed in Portugal before the Iberian union. (IBD)

Keywords: manuscripts, editions, miscellaneous, historiography.

PINTO, Pedro, transcr. “Ordem que se deve ter no correr da argola e na justa (Séc. XV-XVI?)”. Fragmenta Historica. Revista do Centro de Estudos Históricos da Universidade Nova de Lisboa 5, 2017, 121-123.

Edition of a brief document with technical instructions on chivalric games: “correr da argola e na justa”. The document is part of codex 224 of the National Museum of Archeology (Lisbon), fol. 15v-17. (IBD)

Keywords: manuscripts, edition, didactic literature.


AILENII, Simona. “Tradução peninsular das estórias do Santo Graal, Merlin e Tristan”. En Doiro antro Porto e Gaia[C-MIRANDA and SILVA]: 135-150.

Lauteur se penche sur les plus anciens témoins arthuriens de lOccident ibérique – les fragments de lEstoire du Saint Graal, du Merlin (et Suite) et du Tristan, copiés entre la fin du xiiie et la fin du xive siècle – et analyse la traduction en galicien-portugais qui, bien que fidèle au texte français supposé, est plus économique. Il nest pas hors question que le texte français de départ ait été différent de celui de tous les manuscrits collationnés, surtout en ce qui concerne le Tristan. (ASL)

Mots-clés: littérature arthurienne ibérique, traduction.


ALPALHÃO, Margarida Santos. “A criação do Cavaleiro nos Livros de Cavalarias”. In DIAS, Isabel de Barros, DACOSTA, Arsenio, and PEDROSA, José Manuel (coord.). Relatos de Criação, de Fundação e de Instalação: História, Mitos e Poéticas | Relatos de Creación, de Fundación y de Instalación: Historia, Mitos y Poéticas. Lisboa: IELT-NOVA FCSH, 2017, 185-209.

Study of the information on the youth of knights, extant in some Portuguese, Spanish and French chivalric novels. The study highlights aspects such as the birthmarks of the hero, his troubled childhood and youth, and the process of maturation that culminates when he is knighted. Some of the novels used are: Clarimundo, by João de Barros; Palmeirim de Inglaterra, by Francisco de Moraes; Amadis de Gaula, by Rodríguez de Montalvo; Palmeirín de Oliva; Don Florando; Primaleón; Tristán de Leonís. Bridges are also established between literature and history, anthropology and mythology. (IBD)

Keyword: identity.

BOTERO GARCÍA, Mario Martín. “El rey Arturo perdido en el bosque: variaciones de un motivo del Tristan en prose al Tristán de Leonís”. En Doiro antro Porto e Gaia[C-MIRANDA and SILVA]: 255-268.

Lauteur compare les versions que présentent le Tristan en Prose (ca 1235) et le Tristan de Leonís (1501) de lépisode où Arthur, perdu dans la forêt, rencontre Tristan pour la première fois. Le Tristan en prose propose une réflexion idéologique sur le rôle du roi dans le contexte dune société chevaleresque, alors que le Tristán de Leonís cherche à rationaliser lépisode dun point de vue religieux, du moins dans ses résultats. (ASL)

Mots clés: littérature arthurienne, religion.

CHORA, Ana Margarida. “Palamedes, o bõõ cavaleiro pagão”. En Doiro antro Porto e Gaia[C-MIRANDA and SILVA]: 355-366.

Palamedes nest pas seulement le double malheureux de Tristan, dont lamour pour Isolde le mène à des aventures marquantes. Malgré son obscure origine orientale et païenne, héritée de son père Esclabor «le méconnu», il subit un processus dindividuation chrétienne et vit la grande aventure du Graal avec Perceval et Galahad. Dans la Demanda, il devient une figure symbolique fondamentale et complexe. (ASL)

Mots clés: littérature arthurienne, chevalier païen, conversion chrétienne.

CHORA, Ana Margarida. “Perceval, o grande jogador do reino de Logres”. O Jogo do Mundo. [C-ALPALHÃO, CARRETO and DIAS]: 169-186.


Article on the various games referred to in Arthurian romances, both word games, and episodes where characters play, especially chess. The author focuses on Perceval, whom she considers as the player that saves the kingdom of Logres. Perceval is presented in relation to Gauvain and Galaad, and the game is studied from several perspectives: proof, strategy, maturation element, symbolic dimension. (IBD)

Keywords: Arthurian romances, French medieval literature, Chrétien de Troyes, Conte du Graal, Roman dePerceval, Matter of Brittany, First continuation of Perceval.

CORREIA, Carla Sofia dos Santos, “«De quantas cousas eno mundo son», de Pai Gomes Charinho: nova proposta interpretativa”. Guarecer. Revista Electrónica de Estudos Medievais 2, 2017, 5-17.

The author analyses the poem “De quantas cousas eno mundo son” (A256), by the Galician troubadour Pai Gomez Charinho. In this poem the sea is compared to the king, since they can cause both the greatest good and the greatest harm to those who are subject to them. The author counters the current opinion that considers that the King the poet is referring to is Sancho IV, the Brave, since he could also be referring to Alfonso X. (IBD)

Keywords: troubadours, Siete partidas, Psalm 106.

CUNHA, Paulo Morgado e. “«Batalhas Fundacionais»: da Estória do Santo Graal à Crónica de D. João I, de Fernão Lopes”. Guarecer. Revista Electrónica de Estudos Medievais 2, 2017, 19-40

Since Fernão Lopes is the Portuguese medieval chronicler that makes more references to Arthurian novels, the author compares the passage of the Chronicle of D. João I that describes the battle of Aljubarrota with a “foundational battle” told in the Estória do Santo Graal, where King Evalac, and then Mordaim defeats Tolomer, giving rise to the first Oriental Christian kingdom. He searches for passages in the chronicle that might have been inspired by the novel. (IBD)

Keyword: chivalric novels.

GUTIÉRREZ GARCÍA, Santiago. “La recepción del Baladro del Sabio Merlín en la Castilla del siglo XV a la luz de las teorias políticas medievales: señorío y poder regio en la entronización de Arturo”. En Doiro antro Porto e Gaia[C-MIRANDA and SILVA]: 501-512.

En traduisant et adaptant le texte français à lhorizon dattente du public hispanique, les auteurs des Baladros séloignent stylistique et idéologiquement 483de leur source. Daprès lauteur, le processus dactualisation idéologique est particulièrement intéressant dans lépisode de lintronisation dArthur, où lon peut déceler la redéfinition de certains concepts en fonction des changements observables dans les doctrines politiques contemporaines, notamment la notion de seigneurie et la nature du pouvoir qui y est exercé. Les incunables de Burgos assument plus résolument ces nouveautés que le témoin de Séville, car ils incorporent plus clairement certains des éléments sur lesquels sera fondée la doctrine des États monarchiques de lâge moderne ; parmi eux, la territorialisation de la seigneurie, la conception transpersonnelle du royaume ou la prise en charge par le roi des prérogatives du pouvoir souverain. (ASL)

Mots clés: littérature arthurienne, roi Arthur, traductions, pouvoir royal.

GUTIÉRREZ TRÁPAGA, Daniel. “Entrelazamiento y división en capítulos en el Lanzarote del Lago”. En Doiro antro Porto e Gaia[C-MIRANDA and SILVA]: 513-526.

Partant des 118 segmentations que partagent le ms. 751 du Lancelot en Prose et le Lanzarote del Lago, lauteur se concentre sur les 57 cas où les capitales du manuscrit français sont accompagnées dune formule dentrelacement qui surgit également dans le manuscrit ibérique sous forme de titre ou douverture de chapitre. En découpant et réorganisant le texte sur la base de lentrelacement (et ignorant souvent les capitales qui nont pas un rapport avec cet axe de construction du texte), le rédacteur du Lanzarote rend la lecture du roman plus aisée, puisque les fils du texte et sa structure sont plus visibles. Le traitement cohérent des formules dentrelacement révèle une réception compétente de lœuvre. (ASL)

Mots clés: littérature arthurienne, structure interne, traduction.

LEITE, Mariana. “Cassandra, a Sibila de Alfonso X: Das profecias da princesa troiana na General Estoria”. Guarecer. Revista Electrónica de Estudos Medievais 2, 2017, 41-53.

Study on the specificities of the character of Cassandra, the Trojan prophetess, in Alfonso Xs General estoria. Here Cassandra is presented as a main prophetess and oracles usually attributed to other sibyls such as the Erythraean or the Cumaean, are here attributed to her. The author considers that in this work, Cassandra is presented favourably, even foreshadowing the Christian world. (IBD)

Keywords: prophecies, literary sources.

LENDO, Rosalba. “Lo maravilloso en el Baladro del Sabio Merlín”. En Doiro antro Porto e Gaia[C-MIRANDA and SILVA]: 619-632.


Si dans la Suite du Roman de Merlin le merveilleux souffre un procès de rationalisation qui ne parvient pas à tout expliquer, puisque larchétype mythique résiste, le Baladro del Sabio Merlin réduit le merveilleux en éliminant presque totalement les pouvoirs surnaturels de Morgane et de Viviane, tout en diabolisant Merlin. (ASL)

Mots clés: littérature arthurienne.

LUNA MARISCAL, Karla Xiomara. “Un proyecto de indexación: el Índice de motivos de los libros de caballerías castellanos de matéria artúrica”. En Doiro antro Porto e Gaia[C-MIRANDA and SILVA]: 663-674.

Lauteur défend lutilité du projet de catalogue de motifs narratifs présents dans les romans arthuriens en castillan. Adoptant lacception de motif proposée par Stith Thompson, ce catalogue serait avant tout un instrument de localisation de ces unités narratives, mais pourrait rendre plus aisée la compréhension de la structure symbolique de ces romans et de leurs relations intertextuelles. (ASL)

Mots clés: littérature arthurienne, livres de chevalerie, catalogue de motifs narratifs.

MONTEIRO, Pedro. “Sobre as fontes arturianas do Memorial das Proezas da Segunda Távola Redonda”. Guarecer. Revista Electrónica de Estudos Medievais 2, 2017, 79-93.

The Memorial das Proezas da Segunda Távola Redonda (16th century)starts with an account of the Arthurian narrative of the death of King Arthur which differs from the one in the Arthurian prose cycle. This article intends to establish the medieval sources of this part of Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos novel amongst the texts that could be available in Portugal at the time. (IBD)

Keywords: chivalric romance, Livro de Linhagens do Conde D. Pedro, Libro de las Generaciones, Liber Regum, Roman de Brut, Historia Regum Britanniae, Los Nueve de la Fama.

MOREIRA, Filipe Alves. “Memória(s) do rei D. Pedro: episódios não incluídos na Crónica de Fernão Lopes”. Guarecer. Revista Electrónica de Estudos Medievais 2, 2017, 95-112.

Study of some episodes of the life of King D. Pedro of Portugal that were not included in Fernão Lopes Chronicle, but are reported in other sources such as the Crónica da Tomada de Ceuta, by Gomes Eanes de Zurara, and in “Summaries of chronicles”, like the one by Acenheiro, in 1535. The textual transmission of these stories that focus mainly cases of the application of justice show how the image of this King was built differently in one case then in the other. (IBD)

Keywords: manuscripts, historiography.


NUNES, Natália Maria Lopes. “ŠĀH MĀT (شاهمات). O jogo de xadrez no Al-Andalus e o seu reflexo na literatura medieval”. O Jogo do Mundo. [C-ALPALHÃO, CARRETO and DIAS]: 269-285.

The author refers to the historical and legendary origins of the game of chess and presents a panoramic view of its presence and symbolism in Al-Andalus and in medieval Christian literature: troubadour poetry, Chanson de Roland, Tristan et Iseut, Chrétien de TroyesLe conte du Graal, or Alfonso Xs Libro del Ajedrez, among others. (IBD)

Keywords: Galician-Portuguese songs.

PALLA, Maria José. “A riqueza semântica da palavra Jogo. Jogos e manifestações teatrais medievais anteriores ao «Monólogo do Vaqueiro»”. O Jogo do Mundo. [C-ALPALHÃO, CARRETO and DIAS]: p. 287-298.

The author considers the meaning of word “game” up to the 15th century. The word meant not only “fun,” but also “spectacle,” a meaning that still exists in languages other than Portuguese. She wonders about the meaning of the word in the period before Gil Vicente wrote his plays. She presents information about the oldest medieval Portuguese theatre known (namely the works of Anrique da Mota), reflecting on the semantic amplitude of the word “game.” (IBD)

Keywords: carnival.

RUSSO, Luciana Cordo. “Culhwch ac Olwen como texto de transición de la materia artúrica”. Medievalista online 22, julho-dez 2017.

Lauteur montre que dans le conte gallois Culhwch ac Olwen le personnage dArthur préfigure le roi de la littérature courtoise, combinant les traits héroïques, qui caractérisent le personnage primitif, avec des traits proto-courtois. Culhwch ac Olwen apparaît ainsi comme un tournant dans le développement de la matière arthurienne. (ASL)

SILVA, Carlos Sousa e. “Historia Regum Britanniae: Cassibelauno e a prefiguração da Excalibur”. Guarecer. Revista Electrónica de Estudos Medievais 2, 2017, 113-133.

Translation into Portuguese of some passages of books 3 and 4 of the Historia Regum Britanniae, regarding the king Cassibelaunus, with commentary. In his attempt to legitimize the Anglo-Normand dynasty, Geoffrey of Monmouth uses techniques taken from epic and historiography and builds scenes and characters inspired by the Greco-Roman authors. The figure of king Cassibelaunus is worthy of a careful analysis, since he leads a battle scene that can be 486interpreted as a potential antecedent to Robert of Borons version of the Excalibur episode. (ASL)

Keywords: Caesar, Anglo-Norman monarchy, Bretons.

VALDALISO-CASANOVA, Covadonga. “«Deste rey Dom Pedro contão algũas cousas». A construção da narrativa da memória do rei-juiz”. Guarecer. Revista Electrónica de Estudos Medievais 2, 2017, 135-160.

In some manuscripts of the Crónica de D. Pedro, by Fernão Lopes were included further episodes that were not part of the original. The author studies these episodes that have been considered to be added as a way to complete the report and to help build up the image of the King-judge. She seeks the sources or other occurrences of these episodes, namely a well-known tale also told in the book Disputa de lase contra frare Enselme Turmeda sobre la natura et nobleza dels animals (1509), and concludes that the insertion in the chronicle has been a rather late phenomenon. (IBD)

Keywords: King Pedro of Portugal, manuscripts.

VÍÑEZ SÁNCHEZ, Antonia. “El arcano «La Torre» en la poesía de Guido Guinizzelli”. O Jogo do Mundo. [C-ALPALHÃO, CARRETO and DIAS]: 455-483.

On the presence and meaning of the use of images that refer to elements of the Tarot, highlighting the arcane “The Tower,” in the poetry of Guido Guinizzelli. The author considers the historical and social context, as well as the various ways to disport oneself at the time (13th century). (IBD)

Keywords: Italian medieval literature, Dolce stil novo, card game.


LARANJINHA, Ana Sofia. “Recensão crítica a The Arthur of the Iberians. The Arthurian legends in Spanish and Portuguese worlds. Edited by David Hook. University of Wales Press, 2015”. Guarecer. Revista Electrónica de Estudos Medievais 2, 2017, 179-184.