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Classiques Garnier




Sandra Vlasta and Leena Eilittä

Introduction. Travel Writing, Cultural Exchange
and Identity Construction   11


Sandra Vlasta

Narrating the Other, Narrating the Self.
Intertextuality and Multilingualism as Literary Strategies
of Identity Negotiation in European Travel Writing
in the Nineteenth-Century   21

Peter Arnds

Identity Construction and the Politics of Slow Travel
in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Travel Literature   37

Martina Kopf

Negotiating Female and National Identity through
Cultural Exchange. Sophie von La Roches “Travel Diaries”   57

Leena Eilittä

The Writing persona in Nineteenth-Century British
Travelogues from Finland   77


Anja Burghardt

Three Perspectives on the Soviet Union/Russia. Negotiation
of Identities in Travel Writing by Ryszard Kapuściński,
Mariusz Wilk and Yoko Tawada    93

Jonathan Lawrence

Colonial South America, Identity and Race
as Seen by a Chaldean Priest from Baghdad   115

Samuel Agbamu

Romanità and Nostalgia. Italian Travel Writing
in Libya and Tunisia, 1905-1912   145


Kathryn N. Jones, Carol Tully, Heather Williams, Hidden
Texts, Hidden Nation. (Re)Discoveries of Wales in Travel
Writing in French and German (1780-2018)
(Elena Butoescu)   171

Benham M. Fomeshi, The Persian Whitman: Beyond
a Literary Reception
(Francis Tremblay)   174

Charles Forsdick, Zoë Kinsley and Kathryn Walchester (eds.), Keywords for Travel Writing Studies: A Critical Glossary
(Dragoş Ivana)   177

Résumés et présentation des auteurs /
Abstracts and presentation of the authors   181