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Classiques Garnier

Writers die too

  • Publication type: Journal article
  • Journal: Cahiers Lautréamont
    2022, n° 4
    . varia
  • Author: Audin (Michèle)
  • Abstract: This article contains a series of reflections on the theme of November 24, 2020, including various events that took place one hundred and fifty years earlier, during the Franco-Prussian war and the siege, confinement, and bombardment of Paris: even writers must die . . .
  • Pages: 13 to 15
  • Journal: Lautréamont Studies
  • CLIL theme: 4027 -- SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES, LETTRES -- Lettres et Sciences du langage -- Lettres -- Etudes littéraires générales et thématiques
  • EAN: 9782406141914
  • ISBN: 978-2-406-14191-4
  • ISSN: 2607-754X
  • DOI: 10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-14191-4.p.0013
  • Publisher: Classiques Garnier
  • Online publication: 10-05-2022
  • Periodicity: Annual
  • Language: French
  • Keyword: Lautréamont, Ducasse, November 24, 2020, 1870, confinement, siege of Paris, Alexandre Dumas, Balitout, Paris Commune, Bloody Week.