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Classiques Garnier

Rhetoric and space - From memory to epistolography, according to Boncompagno da Signa (c. 1170 after 1240)

  • Journal: Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes - Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies
    2023 – 2, n° 46
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  • Abstract: The links between the thought of space and the medieval art of rhetoric are open to further exploration. We present here the analysis of extracts from two treatises by the master of rhetoric Boncompagno da Signa (13th c.), both to correct some misunderstandings concerning the relation between memory and space, and to highlight the way he spatializes the description of the letter.
  • Number of pages: 423
  • ISBN: 978-2-406-16497-5
  • ISSN: 2273-0893
  • DOI: 10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-16497-5.p.0179
  • Publisher: Classiques Garnier
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  • Keyword: Boncompagno da Signa, rhetoric, memory, space, letter