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Classiques Garnier

L’héritage de Coseriu

  • Publication type: Journal article
  • Journal: Cahiers de lexicologie
    2018 – 1, n° 112
    . Recherches linguistiques en Allemagne
  • Author: Albrecht (Jörn)
  • Abstract: After some biographical information on this outstanding polyglot linguist with broad theoretical insights, this work tries to determine Coseriu’s position in the context of the linguistic theories of his time, especially with regard to the reception of Saussure in Germany. Subsequently an outline of his most important contributions to the different branches of linguistics will be given and finally the question about the survival of his ideas will be raised.
  • Pages: 13 to 31
  • Journal: Journal of Lexicology
  • CLIL theme: 3147 -- SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES, LETTRES -- Lettres et Sciences du langage -- Linguistique, Sciences du langage
  • EAN: 9782406082156
  • ISBN: 978-2-406-08215-6
  • ISSN: 2262-0346
  • DOI: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-08215-6.p.0013
  • Publisher: Classiques Garnier
  • Online publication: 06-29-2018
  • Periodicity: Biannual
  • Language: French
  • Keyword: Structural semantics, language system, historical linguistics