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Classiques Garnier




Carpenter, John, Village of the Damned, Etats-Unis, 1995.

Copus, Nick, The Day of the Triffids, Grande-Bretagne (BBC), 2009.

Hannam, Ken, The Day of the Triffids, Grande-Bretagne (BBC), 1981.

Kurosawa, Kiyoshi, Kaïro, Japon, 2000.

McTeigue, James, V for Vendetta, États-Unis, 2006.

Rilla, Wolf, Village of the Damned, Grande-Bretagne, 1960.

Sekely, Steve, The Day of the Triffids, Grande-Bretagne, 1962.

Wilde, Cornel, No Blade of Grass, États-Unis, 1970.