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Classiques Garnier




Robert Carvais, Valérie Nègre

Éditorial. La vie des matériaux    13

Editorial. The Life of Materials    29

Hélène Dessales

Construction et culture sismique à lépoque romaine /
Constuction and Seismic Culture in Roman Times    45

Arnaud Timbert

Entre adoption et rejet. Larc-boutant
dans larchitecture des années 1130-1150 /
Between Adoption and Rejection. The Flying Buttress
in 1130s-1150s Architecture 

Philippe Bernardi

Une construction entre urgence et planification.
Le transfert en ville du couvent des clarisses
dAix-en-Provence dans la deuxième moitié du xive siècle /
A Process of Construction between Emergency and Planning.
The Transfer to the City of the Convent of Poor Clares
of Aix-en-Provence in the Second Half of the 14th Century 

Jean-Baptiste Javel

Réflexions sur les tracés préparatoires dans larchitecture
en pierre de taille et dans la sculpture décorative
de lAquitaine romane (xie-xiie siècles) /
Considerations on the Preparatory Marks
in the Stone Architecture and Decorative Sculpture
of Romanesque Aquitaine (11th-12th Centuries) 


Marco Conti

Popolo, contabilità e lavori pubblici.
Pratiche amministrative e distribuzione
delle risorse a Bologna alla fine del XIII secolo /
Popolo, Accounting and Public Works.
Administrative Practices and Distribution of Resources
in Bologna at the End of the 13th Century 

Sabine Kuban, James W. Campbell

Wasserkunst. German Books and Writers on Water
and Hydraulic Engineering between 1533 and 1800
Lart de leau. Livres allemands et auteurs
sur l
eau et le génie hydraulique entre 1533 et 1800   221

Gilles Bienvenu

Expertise et enjeux de pouvoir au xviiie siècle.
Laffaire du pont Feydeau à Nantes (1727-1737) /
Expertise and Power Games in the 18th Century.
The Case of the Feydeau Bridge in Nantes (1727-1737) 


Marco Rosario Nobile, Federica Scibillia (éd.), Tecniche
costruttive nel Mediterraneo. Dalla sterotomia ai criteri antisismici
(Hélène Dessales)   391

Yaron Pesztat (éd.), Blaton. Une dynastie de bâtisseurs.
Een dynastie van bouwers
(Jelena Dobbels)   395


Construction and Seismic Culture in Roman Times
(Hélène Dessales 401


Between Adoption and Rejection. The Flying Buttress
in 1130s-1150s Architecture (Arnaud Timbert)   402

A Process of Construction between Emergency and Planning.
The Transfer to the City of the Convent of Poor Clares
of Aix-en-Provence in the Second Half of the 14th Century
(Philippe Bernardi)   404

Considerations on the Preparatory Marks in the Stone
Architecture and Decorative Sculpture of Romanesque
Aquitaine (11th-12th Centuries) (Jean-Baptiste Javel)   405

Popolo, Accounting and Public Works. Administrative
Practices and Distribution of Resources in Bologna
at the End of the 13th Century (Marco Conti)   406

Wasserkunst. German Books and Writers on Water
and Hydraulic Engineering between 1533 and 1800
(James W. Campbell, Sabine Kuban)   408

Expertise and Power Games in the 18th Century.
The Case of the Feydeau Bridge in Nantes (1727-1737)
(Gilles Bienvenu)   409

Présentation des auteurs et résumés /
Abstracts   411